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Energy  Transition










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Nuclear exit

Natural Power-Smiley







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Impressum (German)





* Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...

«God, the Lord, brought thus humans into the garden Eden. He transferred them the task to maintain and protect the garden.» (Gen 2,15)

12.4.2020 - 18.11.2023 -  «Reflections on Corona and Easter, I wonder what comes out of it ...», «The Beginning ...», «The Blessing ...», «The Science ...», «Laudato Si’ ...» (possibly the most important document of our time), «Epilogue: You are Guardians ...» and P.S. ... Read ...


UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»

Global radioactivity produced in nuclear power plants is in an order of magnitude equivalent to the radioactivity of a multiple of one Million Hiroshima nuclear bombs.

      Natural power from renewable energies - Yes, Please!

7.8.2009 - 27.3.2019 -  The «Climate Change by Radioactivity»... Order of magnitude... Effects... Global and local solution... Read ...


 A. Core question and core problem - the end of the nuclear debate (27.1.2011)

 B. JAPAN nuclear catastrophe: UN Resolution on Security and energy needed urgently! (18.3.2011)

 C. Austria calls for "Rethinking international" with action plan "Get out of nuclear" (20.4.2011)

 D. Global energy transition accelerated by Fukushima (Press 31.5.2011 - 22.5.2014)

 E. Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing! (1.9.20011)
 F. Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU? (11.3.20012)
 G. Nuclear Exit – Energy Transition – Hopp Schwiiz!  1, 2, ... (20.3.2012)


* Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity

«The conversion is realizable without significant additional costs and natural power is the superior source of electricity.» (village Herrliberg at the lake of Zürich)

2.5.2008 -  Natural Power is clean electricity produced by 100% renewable energies (Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal). Quality of life: "Natural Power is the superior source of electricity"... The necessity (physics, medicine, economics)... The basis for lifestyle, sustainability and future mobility... Read ...
12.10.2008 - Annex: Heat pumps with and without – a slight difference...


* Opportunities for our Future - The significance of national renewable energies

This SolarPeace main study outlines the current transition stage between the old and limited energies (Oil, Gas, Uranium) and the unlimited renewable energies (Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal).

14.11.2003 -  Politics for peace... Economic growth and new jobs... Security... Independence and Neutrality... Ecology and the base of life... The energy gap and prognoses (Oil, Gas, Uranium)...  Energy mix for the future (Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal)... Conclusions... With many quotes and linked sources...
Last change: 23.5.2004 Read this study (German)...


* The energy for Peace, Security, Economy and Future

This SolarPeace study provides an overview to peace, economy and energy supply with many quotes and linked sources of independent institutes and government agencies.

16.4.2003 - A real peace policy needs to end the cause for wars for recourses, which is the necessity for the old energies... The renewable energies Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal, etc. are unlimited, clean, save, peaceful and enable a common future... Renewable energies protect our base of life and  secure our economy. In addition they create many new local, regional and long lasting jobs... With many quotes and linked sources and studies...  Read this study (German)...



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This website was developed with 100% Natural Power (renewable energies).