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We apologize that this website is not fully translated into English. Our objective is to create public consciousness to use peaceful national renewable energies with a focus on Switzerland and Europe. 

The menus of this English version of list all articles available in English and in addition some articles, which are available in German only. To translate any German article easily, please use the DeepL Translator and the LEO Dictionary  (German-English, German-French, etc.). They will open in a separate window, so you can switch between the article and the translator or dictionary.

To see all SolarPeace articles please refer to All articles (German), which will bring you to the German version of

Thank you.




Bass-Culture: Feeling the sound can be dangerous  (14.1.2025)


* Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...  (12.4.2020 - 18.11.2023)


Collective help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti  (24.11.2016)


Nuclear energy referendum in Switzerland - Nuclear energy policy in Japan  (7.11.2016 - 27.4.2019)


Solar Impulse reaches Hawaii - The Future is Clean  (3.7.2015)


UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»  (7.8.2009 - 22.5.2014)

incl. Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing! (1.9.20011)


Obama and Nobel Prize Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban  (20.1.2009)


Kilchberg city council informed of radioactivity and the solution natural power (green electricity)  (25.11.2008, German)


* Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity  (2.5.2008)


Sunrise in Australia  (25.11.2007)


Switzerland elects new parliament and natural power  (7.9.2007)


Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!  (1.3.2007)


Kilchberg (ZH) promotes natural power (clean electricity)  (17.1.2006, German)


Showcase:  "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project"  (7.9.2005, German)


Trustworthy peace policies request renunciation of nuclear energy !  (24.5.2005 ... 11.8.2005, German)


Mayors  for  Peace  (5.3.2005, German)


War for Oil ?  ...  P l e a s e - Vote for Peace !  (2.10.2004, English)


Are there consequences of "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Switzerland?  (30.8.2004, German)


Showcase:  Kilchberg (ZH) votes for nuclear exit? (25.11.2003, German)


* Opportunities for our Future - The significance of national renewable energies  (14.11.2003, German)


Medical Memorandum to the Industrial Utilization of Nuclear Energy  (3.5.2003, German and English)


* The energy for Peace, Security, Economy and Future  (16.4.2003, German)


And slowly the sun rises ... (9.10.2002, German)


9/11:  Mourn the Victims - Stand for Peace - Islam is Not the Enemy - War is Not the Answer  (18.9.2001 - 22.1.2017, English)



Please forward these information to other interested persons. Thank you!

This website was developed with 100% Natural Power (renewable energies).