Natural Power
Lifestyle and Necessity
Natural Power is clean electricity produced by 100%
renewable energies
(Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal).
Print version for passing on (2 pages)... 
Wolfgang Rehfus Date:
2.5.2008 Last
9.1.2014 Annex:
12.10.2008 |
Quality of life: "Natural Power
is the superior electricity"
The necessity (physics, medicine,
The basis for lifestyle, sustainability and future
Annex: Heat pumps with
and without – a slight difference...
PS ... |
Quality |

«Natural Power is the superior source of electricity»
1) |
Quality of life: "Natural
Power is the superior electricity"
Lifestyle in the lovely community of Herrliberg on the
lake of Zürich: Per the citizens’ request, the local city council decided
that all households will be supplied with certified natural power (clean
electricity). The so-called “Swiss Strommix” (the
usual power mix containing nuclear power) is no longer being offered.
«We in Herrliberg didn’t
plan to be environmental pioneers nor did we have any missionary intent»,
says local city council member Felix Besser. He explains:
«We found out that the conversion is realizable
without significant additional costs and that natural power is the superior
source of electricity.» 1)
Natural power is odorless and tasteless. One does not
hear it and there is no need for plant modifications. Natural power is
accessed from the same outlets,
as was the nuclear power – but
does not produce
radioactivity. In the canton Zürich the usual power mix contains 79 %
nuclear power and produces large quantities of radioactivity. 2) |
Natural power for all households, village Herrliberg at the lake of Zürich, 2008
Ritch village wants only natural power. Zeitpunkt, 6.5.2008 as well as
In Herrliberg only natural power is available any more,, 9.5.2008
Region moves to green energy (Meilen and Männedorf uses from 2013 ony
natural power), Zürichsee-Zeitung, 20.9.2012 and
turns away from nuclear power, Züricher Unterländer, 9.1.2014 as well as
Erlenbacher get only natural power from 2012
"People who live in Erlenbach cannot use nuclear power any more ...
additional cost of 5 CHF per month and family are acceptable ... This is in
the competence of the village council, the Elcom decided.",
Zürichsee-Zeitung, 27.9.2011
«Many companies change their electricity supply to natural power...
Zürcher Kantonalbank, Swiss Re, SIX Swiss Exchange AG, Citibank Switzerland,
Schweizerische Post,..», energy expert Armin Braunwalder in 'Energie &
Umwelt 4/2008', Schweizerische Energiestiftung (SES)
Atomkraft - Ein strahlendes Comeback, Beobachter Ausgabe 17/2008
2) see
EKZ power mix (79% nuclear power), Elektrizitätswerke des
Kantons Zürich EKZ, 2007
aller Schweizer Haushalte beziehen Naturstrom. Der Verkauf hat 2007 um 63 %
zugenommen., Agentur für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz,
14.8.2008 (Kopie
Internal Radioactive Emitters – Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless, Dr
Helen Caldicott, 14.7.2011 |
Necessity |

Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist)
The necessity (physics, medicine,
«Since a reactor in one day produces as much
radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion, and fuel in a reactor has
typically been there for an average of two years, a typical nuclear reactor
has in its core the long-lived radioisotopes from 30 megatons of fission.»
In order to be able to understand this
statement of the nuclear physicist, the following comparison should be
The Hiroshima nuclear bomb produced the equivalent of a 12,5 kt nuclear
explosion (kt = kilotons). 4)
Thus one nuclear reactor produces an annual
quantity of radioactivity of roughly 1460 Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
A typical nuclear power plant contains the radioactivity of approximately
2920 Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
Thus the
5 Swiss nuclear power plants contain radioactivity approximately
the size of 10'000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs!
The nuclear physicist Professor Dr. C. F. von
Weizsäcker said: «The quantity of radioactivity, which is
present in a reactor, is larger than the quantity of radioactivity spread by
a nuclear bomb - significantly larger.» 6) The US nuclear
physicist Richard L Garwin summarizes briefly and concisely: «Reactor
accidents... too horrible to think about.» 3)
do you prefer: To save energy and
use solar power, resulting in fewer cancer
patients as well as genetic disorders, or to use nuclear power?»
(Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert, nuclear physicist) 6)
Most problems of nuclear energy are a
consequence of the artificially produced radioactivity. The
memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy» of Dr.
med. Max Otto Bruker explains the scientific difference of the artificially
produced and
the naturally occurring radioactivity and gives an overview
the effects of nuclear power plants during normal operation. 6)
Nuclear energy is the cause of
change of a special kind» and the
resulting radioactivity destroys live and quality of life for eternity. The
Federal Office for civil defense estimates damages to cost over 4200 billion
Swiss Francs in case of a large nuclear
power plant accident. 7) As with such
a risk the probability of entrance is completely
irrelevant, this risk is not insured
world-wide by any insurance.
Otherwise nuclear power would cost
approximately 3.- to 5.-
Swiss Francs
per kWh.8)
Recent studies by insurance companies from 2011 calculate the cost of nuclear power with
$3.40/kWh.8) |
see Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), «Can the World Do Without Nuclear
Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?»,
Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (see
copy page 5
Hiroshima nuclear bomb à 12.5 kt (Copy
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW,
1985 Nobel Peace Prize)
Swiss government seeks
more activity - more radioactivity!,
The «new energy policy» of the Swiss government,, 1.3.2007
Horrorzahlen der Internationalen Energieagentur sind völlig absurd,
Bundestagsabgeordneter Hans-Josef Fell, 9.6.2008
Retten Atomkraftwerke das Weltklima?, Dr. Franz Alt, 15.6.2008
see also
Massenhaftes Delfinsterben durch Quecksilbervergiftung, "Wir reden von
der anstehenden Gefährlichkeit des Klimawandels, sehen aber nicht die
Gefahren, die längst auf unseren Tischen landet.", Wal- und
Delfinschutz-Forum (WDSF),
"Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie",
Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.
see also
Atomkraftwerke und Jod-Tabletten: "Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ...",, 12.11.2004
7) cf.
Inefffizienz, Marktverzerrung und 4'300 Milliarden Franken Risikokosten
durch Atomenergie.
in der Studie "Verbesserte Deckung des Nuklearrisikos
- zu welchen Bedingungen?",
Bundesamt für Energie (Dezember 2000)
"Die AKW Begeisterung steckt tief im Kühlturm" (Atomstrom 3 CHF/kWh)
, 3.3.2000,
CASH; und die dort
zitierte Studie "Privatisierung der
KKW-Haftung in der BRD", Gutachten der Regierung Kohl (CDU/CSU/FDP), Sept.
"Atomstrom würde 5 CHF/kWh kosten ...", Atompläne: Unverantwortlich und
kurzsichtig, Greenpeace, 24.5.2005 (Kopie
Study: 2,70 Euro/kWh nuclear power,, 14.09.2009
Nuclear Expensive ($3.40/kWh) and Uninsurable, 2011 |
Lifestyle |
Change your electricity to renewable energies ...
«Energy efficiency in mobility:
electric fuel from roofs» 10)

Solar house "Erni"

Twingo Quickshift Elettrica


Tesla Roadster 10)

Vectrix Maxi-Scooter 10)

Solarauto Phylla
basis for lifestyle, sustainability and future mobility
Today natural power (clean
electricity) fits with the environmentally aware generation of today,
prepared to replace outdated technologies with future-oriented, long-term
sustainable solutions. Natural power is produced with 100% renewable
energies (sun, water, wind, biomass, geothermal). Natural power is
economical, pollution free and CO2-neutral.
If converted to solar, the suitable surface area of Switzerland’s rooftops
could generate 30%- 50% of today’s power consumption. 9)
The purchase of natural
power is the basis for today’s
lifestyle and credible sustainability. Natural
power is also the basis for our future mobility.
The study «Vision
for a Swiss
energy supply with future: Resources and technologies»
(CATSE, 2007) explains why
electric cars are the best solution:
electric motor is compact, emission-free, unmatched in efficiency and
supplies a constant high torque. Compared with hydrogen electricity is
clearly the more efficient energy source. Batteries are more efficient than
gas cells. The electric car powered by solar energy is 300 times more
surface-efficient than a car powered by bio fuel. The surface of two parking
spaces, covered with photovoltaic cells, is sufficient, for supplying an
electric car with 15'000 km of energy annually. In order to supply a gas
powered car with biomass fuel, the surface of a football field is needed for
15'000 km annually.»
The energy supplier "Kraftwerke
Oberhasli AG" already took their first two electric cars
produced by the Norwegian company
in operation. This state of the art electric car for 2 or 4 persons and a
driving range of 180 km offers all aspects of a modern car: security, space,
fun driving and much more. The
is scheduled to be available for sale in Switzerland
already this year in small quantities.
10, 11)
From your electricity
supplier you can order a natural power product, which contains apart from
Swiss water power also a portion of solar electricity (e.g. the
do-v-certified «EKZ natural power Azur»).
This simple decision
triggers directly the necessary investments and
extends thereby today's natural power offer. 12)
households using natural power
provide a significant contribution to build up a future-qualified energy
supply and by this means support
peace, economy, security,
independence and ecology.» 12) |
9) cf.
Solarenergie: Ressource statt Finanzprodukt, PVA/Pressetext, 29.6.2012
Today: Germany produces 21 GW solar power - That is world record and
the double of Germany's nuclear power plants, SMA, 25.5.2012; and
New solar records,, 23.5.2012
cf "...realisierbares Potential von 30
bis 50%.", HAUS TECH Nr. 11, 2004,
cf "Gemäss einer EU-Studie könnte 2010 mehr als ein Viertel
des schweizerischen Stromverbrauchs auf Dächern produziert werden - mit
Photovoltaik-Anlagen, die Sonnenlicht direkt in Strom umwandeln.",
Greenpeace, 18.06.1997
see also
"Fahrenheit 9/11" Konsequenzen für die Schweiz?, offener Brief an den
Bundesrat,, 30.8.2004
cf. Project Desertec
to invest 400 Billion Euro to produce 15% of European electricity,
Sonnenstrom aus Afrika, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16.06.2009;
Europäische Firmen planen gigantische Stromversorgung aus der Wüste,
Tagesanzeiger, 16.06.2009
vgl. auch
«Jahrzehnt der Photovoltaik», Solarmedia, 24.3.2012
10) see study
«Vision einer Schweizer Energieversorgung mit Zukunft: Ressourcen und
, PDF 2.4 MB, Centre
of Appropriate Technology and Social Ecology CATSE (Ökozentrum Langenbruck),
March 2008
Solarhäuser & Fahrzeuge,
see, Schweizerischer Verband für elektrische und
effiziente Strassenfahrzeuge
Renaissance des Elektroautos, International Advanced Mobility Forum IAMF,
Genf, 17.3.2008
11) see
Die zwei ersten norwegischen Think City sind bei der KWO eingetroffen!,
Kraftwerke Oberhasli AG, 2.4.2008;
KWO und Th!nk am Climateforum in Thun, 27.3.2008
12) see Suppliers of
Natural Power,
EKZ (Kanton Zürich): Naturstrom Azur
Annex |
Change your electricity to renewable energies ...

Solarhaus Erni |
Heat pumps with and without – a slight difference...
In Switzerland increasing numbers of heat pumps are
installed. Homeowners and landowners want to become independent of the
fossil sources of energy oil and gas, they want to avoid the production of
(climate change) and they want to use renewable energies.
When in operation, heat pumps require high levels of electricity. Since the
usual Swiss power mix contains large quantities of nuclear energy, heat
pumps – just
like all other electrical devices – cause the production of radioactivity in
the nuclear power plants. 13)
all heat pumps operated with nuclear energy replace only the CO2
of the oil/gas heating with the radioactivity of the nuclear power plant.
One nuclear power plant produces a daily amount of
radioactivity equaling the radioactivity released by four Hiroshima nuclear
bombs – an inconceivable quantity of radioactivity. The five Swiss nuclear
power plants contain radioactivity equal in magnitude to approximately
10'000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs (which corresponds with the output of two
years worth of production). 13)
This artificially produced radioactivity exists for all eternity and cannot
be destroyed. Hence, for quite some time a «Special Kind of Climate
Change» has been developing. 13)
All heat pumps which are operated with 100% natural
power, use renewable energies. Switzerland can
only cover approx. 60% of demand for electricity from water power.
Therefore, natural power
products used should include not only energy from
water, but also the new renewable energies (i.e.,
solar power, wind power, etc.).
Operated with natural power
heat pumps can be described as future-oriented and climate friendly. This
also holds true for all other electrical devices, including the most energy
efficient refrigerators.
This press release was produced with «EKZ Natural Power Azur», a renewable
mix of energy which contains electricity generated from water power, biomass
and solar energy. 15)
The rising demand for natural power
triggers directly the necessary investments in the
build-up of renewable energy supply. With every
order for natural power
the build-up of the renewable energy sources is supported, and contributes
to the vital climate protection for the future. 14)
households using natural power
provide a significant contribution to build up a future-qualified energy
supply and by this means support
peace, economy, security,
independence and ecology.»
13) see The necessity (physics,
medicine, economics) in
«Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity»,,
EKZ Strommix (79% Atomstrom), Elektrizitätswerke des
Kantons Zürich EKZ, 2007
14) vgl. Natural Power - The basis for lifestyle, sustainability and future mobility in «Natural
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity»,,
see 15 %
of all Swiss households use Natural Power. The sale has increased by 63 % in
2007., Swiss Agency for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency,
14.8.2008 (Copy
15) see Suppliers of
Natural Power,
EKZ (Kanton Zürich): Naturstrom Azur
"Renewable Energy instead of Nuclear Energy",
Dr. Franz Alt, 2007 |
PS ... |
tell others ... |
About 2500 persons, politicians and decision
makers world-wide receive the
SolarPeace-Information. All emails and letters are created with so-called 'Natural
Power', clean electricity generated with 100%
renewable energies (sun, water, wind, biomass or geothermal).
Increasing demand creates investments and the necessary supply. Each order
for 'Natural Power' supports the build-up of a future-oriented energy supply
and is an effective contribution to climate protection.
Please pass these information over to other interested persons.
Cordial thanks!
PDF-print versions
passing on ...
Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity (2 pages)
Switzerland elects new parliament and natural power
Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!
Iranian nuclear virus more dangerously than bird flu - however cureable...
Causal solution for the iranian nuclear conflict - or war for oil? (German)
Showcase: "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project" (German)
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