UN-Resolution «Climate
Change by Radioactivity»
Urgent Call for Renewables
Print version for passing on (2 pages)... 
Wolfgang Rehfus
Date: 7.8.2009
Deutsche Version |
The «Climate Change by
● Order of magnitude
Global and local solution |
18.3.2011 - 16.7.2016
D. 31.5.2011 - 22.5.2014
E. 1.9.20011
F. 11.3.20012 - 7.2.2017
G. 20.3.20012 |
Core question and core problem -The end of the nuclear
JAPAN nuclear catastrophe: UN Resolution on Security
and energy needed urgently!
Austria calls for "Rethinking international"
with action plan "Get out of nuclear"
Global energy transition accelerated by Fukushima (Press)
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by
Nuclear Exit – Energy Transition – Hopp Schwiiz! 1,
2, ...
PS ... |
Climate Change |

Nuclear power plants cause a climate change

Too much CO2
leads to climate collapse, a radioactive contaminated climate doesn't allow

Western Europe has the worldwide highest risk of radioactive contamination
caused by major reactor accidents, Max-Planck-Institut, 22.5.2012 and
Südwestdeutschland am meisten gefährdet, Franz Alt, 26.5.2012
«A nuclear power plant does not emit CO2
But the core problem of nuclear energy is nuclear contamination over tens of
thousands of years or even longer. As U.S. nuclear physicist Richard L.
Garwin told the Nuclear Control Institute in Washington, "An average nuclear
power plant produces as much radioactivity every day as four Hiroshima
nuclear bombs." Daily....»,
Franz Alt,
Nur Glück gehabt, 28.01.2022,
Die deutsche Gespenster-Diskussion, 21.08.2022
UN-Resolution «Climate
Change by Radioactivity»
The facts are obvious, the interpretations compelling. «Climate
Change by CO2»
can not be denied any more. It produces the
effects of climate warming caused by
the release of greenhouse gases. Consistent action will hopefully reduce
these greenhouse gases in time.1)
In contrast «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
designates a climate change, which
is caused through artificially produced radioactivity. Both
can reach terrible extents and one may not be used to discount the other.
But while the whole world discusses «Climate Change by CO2»,
the nuclear industry and supporting organisations promote the alleged
“climate friendly, CO2-free”
nuclear energy as a solution to climate change.
However it is not important whether nuclear energy
is CO2-free
or not.
Nuclear power plants produce large quantities of
radioactivity and cause by themselves a dangerous
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,
because in a climate contaminated by radioactivity no life is possible.2)
1) cf.
«Before the Flood», Full Movie National Geographic (2016), published on
Youtube 2019 including final song «A Minute to Breathe: ...We will all be
judged by what we leave behind...»,
«Klimahysterie!», «Klimapropaganda!» – was Klimaforscher zu den häufigsten
Argumenten von Skeptikern sagen, NZZ, 27.3.2019
Neues Erdzeitalter: das Anthropozän, NZZ, 27.9.2019
Menschheit schafft sich ab, Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch, SWR Tele-Akademie,
cf. Öl & Gas or Uranium? ... CO2 or Radioactivity? ... Renewable Energies? (German),
SolarPeace.org, 12.2.2007
cf. «Natural
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity», SolarPeace.org,

Consequences of nuclear accidents for biodiversity and ecosystem services,
Conservation Letters, 29.6.2012; see also
Reaktorunfälle haben unabsehbare Folgen auf Ökosysteme, Leuphana
Universität Lüneburg, 1.7.2012
The Catastrophe of Fukushima, Video speech by the physician,
author and speaker Dr Helen Caldicott, 15.5.2011
Internal Radioactive Emitters – Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless, Dr
Helen Caldicott, 14.7.2011
Retten Atomkraftwerke das Weltklima?, Dr. Franz Alt, 15.6.2008; and
Atomenergie kann das Weltklima nicht retten, GLOBAL2000, 14.04.2006
Der Atom-Klima-Konnex: eine doppelte Gefahr für die Zukunft, 12.01.2016,
Sonnenseite.com und 10.1.2016,
oekonews.at, Autor: Jakob von Uexkull vom
Energiewende oder der Untergang des Abendlandes, Hans Kronberger,
Warning: Oil supplies are running out fast; Catastrophic shortfalls
threaten economic recovery, says world's top energy economist, International
Energy Agency (IEA), 3.8.2009
Order of
magnitude |

Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist)
3), 4)
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»
within the nuclear reactors operated world-wide corresponds
to radioactivity
in an order of magnitude equivalent
to one Million Hiroshima nuclear bombs (the
production of two years).
Taking into account that
the nuclear power plants are operated since decades, this produced
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»
adds up to the
equivalent of
a multiple of
one Million Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
The nuclear energy produced in a nuclear power plant is strictly speaking a
by-product, since in the reactor only 0.1% of the fuel is converted into
energy, thus 99.9% remains as radioactive waste.3)
The produced radioactivity can be set free by
technical or human failure, terrorist attacks, natural catastrophes or
gradually in so-called “save storage locations” due to geological changes
and/or by the run of the time.
In addition there is the risk of abuse: «The
spent fuel from nuclear plants contains enough plutonium to fabricate about
30 nuclear weapons from a single year of operation of each power reactor.»
Therefore each nuclear power plant can be abused in order to enable the
production of nuclear weapons.4)
Already in April 2001 the US nuclear physicist Richard L. Garwin explained
the quantity of radioactivity in a nuclear power plant at the Nuclear
Control Institute in Washington: «Since a reactor in one day produces
as much radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion, and fuel in a reactor
has typically been there for an average of two years, a typical nuclear
reactor has in its core the long-lived radioisotopes from 30 megatons of
The Hiroshima nuclear bomb corresponded to a 12.5 kt
nuclear explosion.6)
Thus, an average nuclear power plant produces a daily
quantity of radioactivity equivalent to four Hiroshima nuclear bombs, which
each year adds up to radioactivity in the order of magnitude of 1460
Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
In a nuclear reactor even radioactivity exists in
the order of magnitude of 2920 Hiroshima nuclear bombs (the production of
two years).
The five Swiss nuclear power plants alone contain
radioactivity in an order of magnitude of approximately
10’000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs!
The roughly 440 nuclear power plants world-wide in operation for decades,
contain radioactivity in an order of magnitude of about one million
Hiroshima nuclear bombs (the production of two years). But
they generate only 3.3% of the global energy supply. Still some countries
are building additional nuclear power plants.7) |
cf. Nuclear
power plants and iodine tablets - risks and side effects (German), SolarPeace.org, 12.11.2004
Wasting the Future - Radioactive waste
, David Sweeney,
energyscience.org.au, Nov 2006
"Nightmare Nuclear Waste",
Noualhat, 13.10.2009
«The spent
fuel from nuclear plants contains enough plutonium to fabricate about 30
nuclear weapons from a single year of operation of each power reactor.», Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), «The Future of Nuclear Energy,»,
Chicago, 25./26.9.2008 (Copy
„AKW-Exporte sind Wahnsinn“ (Exports of nuclear power plants are
Frankfurter Rundschau, 9.8.2010
see also
Hiroshima, Nagasaki und Fukushima mahnen: Raus aus der Atomrüstung,
Bundesausschuss Friedensratschlag, 6.8.2012
see also
Thorium nuclear reactors: Each year fissionable material for 7 nuclear
bombs..., «Deutsche
Beteiligung an der Entwicklung neuer Atomreaktoren für die EU -
Atomausstiegsland Deutschland? Weit gefehlt!», 07.05.2019, Hans-Josef
Fell, Energy Watch Group (EWG).
cf. «Can the World Do Without Nuclear Power? Can the
World Live With Nuclear Power?», Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), Nuclear
Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (cf.
copy page 5
see also
Krieg? Iran - Israel - USA 2019: Ein Öl- und Atomkraftwaffenkrieg um AKW &
Atomprogramm?, 9.5.2019, Axel Mayer
Hiroshima nuclear bomb à 12.5 kt (Copy
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW,
Peace Nobel Price 1985,
Study: Nuclear energy on downward trend worldwide, German Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,
'Only 3,3% of the energy consumed world-wide is produced in the 440 nuclear
power plants', International Energy Agency, Paris,
IEA, 01.07.2005; cf. also
Die Träume der Atomlobby, Dr. Franz Alt, 2004
cf. also
Obama and
Nobel Prize Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban, SolarPeace.org,
20.1.2009 |
Effects |
do you prefer: To save energy and use solar power, resulting in fewer cancer
patients as well as genetic disorders, or to use nuclear power?»
(Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert,
nuclear physicist)
«The quantity of radioactivity, which is present in a reactor, is larger
than the quantity of radioactivity spread by a nuclear bomb - significantly
(Prof. Dr. C. F. von Weizsäcker,
nuclear physicist)
This artificially produced radioactivity - this
«Climate Change by Radioactivity» – radiates from the
human perspective
for eternal times and cannot be destroyed. Already for a long time
«Climate Change by Radioactivity» has
developed for a long time; and must urgently be brought to the
forefront of the international agenda and gain global awareness with the
same priority as «Climate Change by CO2».
Artificially produced radioactivity is probably the most
hostile climate of all.
The adverse health effects and the difference
between artificially produced and naturally occurring radioactivity are
comprehensibly summarised in the «Medical memorandum for the
industrial use of nuclear energy» by Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker.8)
The research work of Dr. Rosalie Bertell (alternative Nobel Prize 1986) and
the study «ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European
Committee on Radiation Risk» (Brussels 2003) analyse the effects of
radioactive low dose radiation during normal operation of nuclear power
And in the recently published article
«Murderous Uranium» the journalist and author Claus Biegert describes
the fate of many thousand humans in the contaminated uranium extraction
With a disaster in the context of
«Climate Change by
the situation can often be helped directly thereafter.
Humans can go there and save what can be saved and begin
reconstruction, e.g. as with the hurricane «Katrina» in New Orleans. With
a disaster in the context of
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»
this is not possible, as the area is no longer habitable for indefinite
times. If in New Orleans an accident would
have set free the radioactivity from a nuclear power plant due to
technical-human failure or due to the consequences of the hurricane
«Katrina», then not even a thought for reconstruction would exist.
US nuclear physicist Richard L. Garwin summarises:
«Reactor accidents... too horrible to think about.»11)
As of today there exist no safe storage locations for
nuclear waste, nor will that ever be the case, since the legislators in
different countries require a security guarantee of one million years for
final nuclear waste disposal (cf. USA and Germany). One
does not have to be an engineer, in order to recognise that such a security
guarantee is never possible and would require not calculable, practically
infinite costs.12)
Whoever promotes nuclear
energy as sustainable, clean & green, or as a solution to climate change,
falsely abuses the attributes of renewable energies and suppresses the fact
that radioactivity is produced in nuclear power plants.
On a legal level also questions of international law and
human rights arise apart from the observance of constitutional principles
for the preservation of the quality of life as well as the means of
livelihood.13) |
"Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy" (German),
Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.
cf. also
Radiation and Health
, Dr. Bill Williams,
energyscience.org.au, Nov 2006
cf. also
Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets - risks and side effects (German), SolarPeace.org, 12.11.2004
cf. also
Atomenergie und Gesundheit, International Physicians for the Prevention
of Nuclear War (IPPNW, Peace Nobel Price
"The play down of radioactive low dosis radiation" (German), Dr. Rosalie Bertell,
ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk,
Brussels 2003
"Mörderisches Uran", Claus Biegert, natur+kosmos, Heft 06/2009;
cf. also the summary
"Verheerender Uranabbau", Sonnenseite.com, Clean Energy Project,
Uranium Mining: Australia and Globally
, Dr. Gavin M. Mudd,
energyscience.org.au, Nov 2006
cf. «Can the World Do Without
Nuclear Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), Nuclear
Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (cf.
copy page 6
USA: NRC adopts 1 million year rule for Yucca Mountain, Reuters,
Security requirements for the final storage of radioactive waste,
Ministry of Environment Germany, 15.07.2009
4,5 Billion years ... 4,5 Milliarden Jahre Halbwertzeit von Uran 238,
BundesUmweltPortal u.a., 25.11.2014
Nuclear Expensive ($3.40/kWh) and Uninsurable, Sonnenseite.com 2011
«UN Declaration of Human Rights should be applied to the
question of avoidable radiation exposures»,
ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk,
Brussels 2003
Swiss local
government in Kilchberg informs public about radioactivity & solution
Natural Power (German),
SolarPeace.org, 25.11.2008 |
Solution |
«Climate Change by Radioactivity» |
«Climate Change by Radioactivity» should be
addressed immediately by the General Assembly of the United Nations.14)
The basis of an effective global solution could be a UN-Resolution,
which obligates the governments:
(a) to inform their population about the
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»;
(b) to guarantee that the purchase of Natural Power
(electricity generated from renewable energies) will not cause extra costs;
(c) to assure that suitable economic conditions for
investments in renewable energies are guaranteed on a long-term basis;
(d) to renounce bringing new nuclear power plants into
(e) to support a world-wide prohibition of marketing and
building new nuclear power plants;
(f) to shut down existing nuclear power plants as soon as
possible; as well as
(g) to store and permanently supervise the radioactive wastes
already existing as securely as possible. |
14) cf. United
Nations (UN)
Obama and
Nobel Prize Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban, SolarPeace.org,
United Nations Climate Change
Conference 2009, 7.-18.12.2009, Copenhagen
cf. also
Climate Council, U.N. Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen 2009

Don’t nuke
the climate !, over 270 organizations all over the world,
coordinated by "Sortir du nucléaire". 2009. |

Order at your electricity supplier a
natural power / green energy, which also includes a portion of solar
Nuclear more expensive than Natural Power - Change the supplier,
17.1.2013 |
The population can support this global solution actively,
if each household orders 100% Natural Power from renewable energies (sun,
wind, water, biomass, geothermal) from its electricity supplier. A
rising demand for Natural Power will lead to the necessary investments for
building-up the required supply of Natural Power. Each
order of Natural Power supports the build-up of a power supply with 100%
renewable energy and is future-oriented climate protection.15)
Just as it is common knowledge today that for example
cars, oil heatings and coal-fired power stations cause
«Climate Change by CO2»,
we must become conscious that all electrical devices (i.e. world-wide
millions of light and energy-saving lamps, electric irons and efficient
refrigerators, computers and telephones), which are not yet operated with
100% Natural Power, cause
«Climate Change by Radioactivity» by using
nuclear power.
Both, «Climate Change by Radioactivity» and «Climate Change by CO2»,
must be solved all-out and be terminated as far as possible. The
main difference is that nuclear energy and the thereby artificially produced
radioactivity can and must be terminated completely or by 100%. On
the other hand the consumption of fossil energies only has to be (and can
be) replaced partially, i.e. up to 80% 16), by renewable energies, in order to
re-establish the natural balance of greenhouse gases.
again CO2
can be sufficiently absorbed and converted into biomass through natural
processes of plants (i.e. photosynthesis).
15) cf.
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity», SolarPeace.org,
cf. Suppliers of Natual Power (electricity
from renewable energies),
EKZ (Swiss Canton Zürich): Naturstrom Azur
"Renewable Energy instead of Nuclear Energy",
Dr. Franz Alt, 2007
'Versorgungssicherheit: Stromlücke entpuppt sich als Stromlüge',
DUH-Bundesgeschäftsführer Baake, 13.10.2009
16) cf.
Call To Action, «State of the World Forum», United States, 2009
U.S. House Committee OKs Climate Emissions Cuts: 83% by 2050, ENS,
cf. also
Australia: Renewable Energy Target 20% by 2020, Clean Energy Council,
25.08.2009 |

Mit Solaranlagen iranische Atommeiler ersetzen, 19.09.2014 |
Note on the Iran nuclear issue:
The proposed UN resolution is also the basis
for a peaceful solution to the nuclear conflict with Iran.
Only through a renunciation of the applicable international law for the
so-called "peaceful use of nuclear energy" it is democratic, peaceful and
constitutionally possible to avoid the construction of nuclear installations
and their military abuse to build nuclear weapons cause.17)
17) cf.
Krieg? Iran - Israel - USA 2019: Ein Öl- und Atomkraftwaffenkrieg um AKW &
Atomprogramm?, 9.5.2019, Axel Mayer
Energiewende als Friedenspolitik - Für eine kriegspräventive dezentrale
Energiewirtschaft, IPPNW, 28.3.2011
„AKW-Exporte sind Wahnsinn“, Frankfurter Rundschau, 9.8.2010
Atom-Virus gefährlicher als
Vogelgrippe - aber heilbar, SolarPeace.org, 7.4.2006;
Ursächliche Lösung im Atom-Konflikt Iran - oder Krieg um Öl?,
SolarPeace.org, 11.8.2005
Friedenspolitik erfordert Verzicht auf Atomenergie!, SolarPeace.org, 24.5.2005
Atombomben freie Welt gibt es nur mit dem weltweiten Ende der Atomenergie,
31.08.2016, Hans-Josef Fell |
A |
Nuclear power plants produce radioactive
... much radioactivity!
Once we are aware of these facts, it should
be possible to stop the nuclear debate. |
question and core problem
The end of the nuclear debate
The publications and discussions on the voting
regarding the nuclear power plant Mühleberg
show that hardening of attitudes and, above all, a lack of information lead to no result (e.g. SF Rundschau on 26.1.2011
"Struggle for nuclear power - debate..."). The
nuclear debate should be ended. This requires to ask the core
question and to identify the core problem:
What does a nuclear power
plant produce?
1.) Radioactivity
Already in April 2001, the
U.S. nuclear physicists Richard L. Garwin explained the amount of
radioactivity in a nuclear power plant at the Nuclear Control Institute in
«Since a reactor in one day produces as much
radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion, and fuel in a reactor has
typically been there for an average of two years, a typical nuclear reactor
has in its core the long-lived radioisotopes from 30 megatons of fission.»21)
The Hiroshima nuclear bomb represented a 12.5 kt nuclear explosion.21)
Thus, an average nuclear power plant produces a daily quantity of
radioactivity equivalent to four Hiroshima nuclear bombs, which each year
adds up to radioactivity in the order of magnitude of 1460 Hiroshima nuclear
In a nuclear reactor even radioactivity exists in
the order of magnitude of 2920 Hiroshima nuclear bombs (the production of
two years).
The five Swiss nuclear power plants alone contain
radioactivity in an order of magnitude of approximately
10’000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs!
US nuclear physicist Richard L. Garwin summarises:
«Reactor accidents... too horrible to think about.»21)
Given these facts, the produced electricity is irrelevant and nuclear power
as a matter of principle is not an option.
Once we are aware of these facts, it should be possible to stop the nuclear
debate. Only then we will be able to objectively and constructively discuss
the best solution for a future-oriented supply of energy and to implement
it without further delay.22) |
Diese Mitteilung zum Kernproblem der Atomenergie wurde vor und nach der
Atomabstimmung im Kanton Bern (13.2.2011)
an die wichtigsten Medien verschickt.
cf. Die
Korrespondenz mit der Berner Zeitung (27.1. bis 10.2.2011)
und die
von SF Arena und SF Rundschau (27.1. bis
zeigen den ausweichenden Umgang mit dem Kernproblem der Atomenergie
vor der Abstimmung. Veröffentlichungen nach der Abstimmung:
“Beendet die Atomdiskussion”, Leserbrief Blog zur Abstimmung über
Mühleberg II, Berner Zeitung, 17.2.2011
"10000 Hiroshima-Atombomben"
Tagesanzeiger, 21.2.2011
cf. «Can the World Do Without Nuclear Power? Can the
World Live With Nuclear Power?», Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), Nuclear
Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (cf.
copy page 5
copy page 6
Hiroshima Atombombe à 12.5 kt (Kopie
Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges, Ärzte in sozialer
Verantwortung e.V. IPPNW
(Friedensnobelpreis 1985, cf. also
www.facts-on-nuclear-energy.info and das IPPNW Faltblatt zur Atomenerie:
Glaubst du das wirklich?
22) cf.
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity», SolarPeace.org,
The core
problem «radioactivity» is the cause of other problems:
The radioactivity produced at nuclear power
plants is the cause of other problems of nuclear
energy. These include the costs in case of damage and the lack of
insurability, the true cost of nuclear power, the terrorism risks,
the nuclear waste
and the medical effects of nuclear power plants.23) |
23) cf.
Atomkraftwerke und Jod-Tabletten: "Risiken und Nebenwirkungen ...", SolarPeace.org,
12.11.2004, und dort die
«Packungsbeilage für Atomkraftwerke und Atomstrom...»
, SolarPeace.org, 12.11.2004 |
B |

Not only in Japan, the «Climate Change by
Radioactivity» is produced for a long time, but in Fukushima
it is
released in
these days...

Contaminated water drifts towards USA, © geomar.de, sonnenseite.com,
Fukushima: «Radioaktivität von etwa 10.000 Hiroshimabomben lagert in
Reaktorblock 4», ZDF, 26.02.2014 (PDF-Kopie
) und in der SRF Rundschau
vom 26.2.2014
Zeitbombe Fukushima
«Fukushima - ein atomares Zwischenlager?», IPPNW, Dr. Alex Rosen,
13.7.2016 und
«Sonnenseite.com» 16.7.2016
Japan’s Richest Man Takes on Atomic Future With Solar Plans, Bloomberg,
15.6.2011 and
Solarrevolution auf Japanisch, Solarmedia, 16.6.2011 and
Saudi-Arabien: Weltgrößte Solaranlage, Sonnenseite.com, 30.03.2018
JAPAN nuclear catastrophe:
UN Resolution on Security and energy needed
18.3.2011, updated 16.7.2016
Print version for reading and passing on (German)...
(3 pages)
The world is shocked. Our
sympathy, our sorrow and our hope are directed to the population and the
authorities in Japan.30)
My deep personal sympathy goes in particular to the Japanese Prime Minister
Naoto Kan, who must now constantly inform the public about the nuclear
disaster on TV.
As well as 100 other political decision makers in
over 30 countries the Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan in September 2009
received a registered letter with the SolarPeace Press Release, "Climate
Change by Radioactivity" (Naoto Kan was then Deputy Prime Minister &
Minister of State).31)
Corresponding letters were sent simultaneously to the
then Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and the then Minister of Foreign Affairs
Katsuya Okada, Minister of the Environment Sakihito Ozawa and Minister of
Education Tatsuo Kawabata. Not only in Japan, the
«Climate Change by
is produced for a long time, but in Fukushima he is released in these days...
Read the full press release with all the sources here (German)...
Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima:
The warning cry of the disregarded conscience.
Hiroshima: "In Japan even today die over 3'000
people every year from the effects of the nuclear radiation from 1945.",
Franz Alt, 6.8.2016
Nach Fukushima: Atompolitik in Japan,
«Im Sarkophag von Fukushima schlummert noch eine Radioaktivität von etwa
10.000 Hiroshima-Bomben.»
Franz Alt, 5.11.2016
Frankreich fürchtet ein Fukushima-Szenario
ARD, 13.10.2017 (Kopie
in Frankreich: Fiasko in Frankreich
"Die Atomwaffen bildeten
... die Grundlage für die zivile Nutzung der Kernenergie. ... zeitweise war
2022 die Hälfte der Atomkraftwerke abgeschaltet – entweder wegen
gravierender Mängel und Schäden oder wegen mangelnden Kühlwassers wegen des
heißen Sommers. Frankreich ist zum größten Stromimporteur Europas geworden.
... Um die nukleare Abschreckungskraft Frankreichs durchzusetzen...",
TAZ, 9.5.2023
"Fukushima auch in Europa möglich"
"Frankreich fürchtet ein
ARD, 13.10.2017 (Kopie
"Ukraine could see a situation similar to what happened in Fukushima."
"Russia 'risking radiation disaster' if power
cuts to Ukraine nuclear plant continue",
STUFF/AP, 13.10.2022 (Kopie
"Seit dem Reaktorunfall von Fukushima Daiichi sind nun dreizehn Jahre
"Die Ausrufung des nuklearen
Notstands ist immer noch nicht aufgehoben, die Stilllegung des
Kernkraftwerks Fukushima Daiichi ist immer noch im Gange, und mindestens
30.000 Menschen sind weiterhin evakuiert.",
"Fukushima: Gefahren der Atomkraft bittere Realität",
BUND.net 2024/Sonnenseite.com,
cf. Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU?
SolarPeace.org, 11.3.2012, summary (2 pages) of the TV
Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU, TV ARTE, 6.3.2012 (52min,
repetition, NDR, 8.3.2012), «People are burdened with doses that are much higher
than during the time of testing nuclear bombs ... 1000-times higher in the
one-hundred-km zone.», Prof. Christopher Busby, radiation chemist; «It can
not be excluded that there has been a nuclear explosion in reactor 3.», Prof. Yukio Yamaguchi, Director Citicens' Nuclear
Information Center, Tokyo
Internal Radioactive Emitters – Invisible, Tasteless, and Odorless, Dr
Helen Caldicott, 14.7.2011
Radioactive contamination in Fukushima: "Food is nuclear waste",
video of a
ZDF-Frontal21 broadcast in Japan, Fukushima
Central Television, 28.8.2011;
cf. the original broadcast:
The consequences of Fukushima, ZDF, 9.8.2011
Contaminated seafood and government cover-up at Fukushima, Greenpeace,
Fukushima - Die Wahrheit hinter dem Super-GAU, ARTE Themenabend,
6.3.2012 (52min)
Schäden der Atomkatastrophe Fukushima bereits bei 90 bis 100 Milliarden Euro,
Sonnenseite.com, 8.8.2011
Wasser spritzen unter Lebensgefahr: Vier Reaktorblöcke weiter ausser
Kontrolle, Neue Züricher
Zeitung, 17.3.2011
10vor10 'Ohnmacht in Japan', Schweizer Fernsehen, 16.3.2011
Tickende Zeitbombe Fukushima, FAZ, 13.3.2011
Japan-Dossier: Notstand in Japan, Sonnenseite.com, 11.3.2011 bis...; und
auch die
Chronologie der Katastrophe in Japan, Tagesanzeiger, 11.3.2011 bis...
vgl. auch
Seismologische Analyse der jüngsten Erdbebenkatastrophen in Neuseeland und
Japan: 10 Rückschlüsse für die Schweiz
«M6.3-Erdbeben wie das Christchurch-Erdbeben sind in der Schweiz möglich
und ... erwartet.» Präsentation Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst SED,
vgl. auch
Versicherer rüsten sich für Erdbeben, NZZ, 21.6.2014
SolarPeace letter to Prime Minister Naoto Kan with press
release «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
(the Japanese Prime Minister
Naoto Kan was then Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of State), SolarPeace, 23.9.2009
C |
«We have
clear ideas about how the energy system of the future works:
must get out of nuclear. We need more renewables and energy efficiency.»
Minister of the Environment Niki Berlakovich 40)

Order at your electricity supplier a
natural power / green energy, which also includes a portion of solar
Nuclear more expensive than Natural Power - Change the supplier,
17.1.2013 |
Austria calls for
"Rethinking international" with action
plan "Get out of nuclear"
An important first step towards a binding
«UN Resolution on
Security and Energy»,
was initiated by the Austrian Federal Government.
The Austrian Federal Government
decided on 22.3.2011 the
Action Plan «International
rethinking of nuclear power to renewable energy and energy efficiency».40)
The significance of this decision and the goal
of a binding «UN
Resolution on Security and Energy»
is shown, for example in the U.S., where a new type of reactor is nearing
The contents of the Action Plan was summarized
by the Federal Chancellery of Austria towards SolarPeace.org:42)
«The disaster in Japan demonstrated in a
dramatic and tragic way that this [nuclear energy] is neither a sustainable
form of energy supply nor is it a viable option for climate protection.
Against this background, on
22.3.2011 the Austrian Federal Government
adopted the Action Plan "International rethinking of nuclear power to
renewable energy and energy efficiency". It explains that the federal
government campaigns against the construction of new nuclear power plants
and for the strengthening of nuclear safety and the elimination of subsidies
and other benefits for the nuclear industry. It will pursue these goals in
all relevant bodies also within the framework of the United Nations.
The Lord Chancellor has argued this position
at the European Council in late March 2011 and led for that purpose intense
discussions with the other Heads of State and Governments. To ensure in the
meantime the highest safety standards of nuclear facilities, the European
Commission will make proposals on the scope and nature of security checks
(stress tests), wich are performed subsequently
by independent national authorities. The results
will be discussed later this year by the European Council and communicated
to the public.»
Aktionsplan "Raus aus Atom" beschlossen, Österreichische
Bundesregierung Lebensministerium, Umweltminister Berlakovich, 22.3.2011;
Aktionsplan: "Internationales Umdenken von der Kernenergie hin zu erneuerbarer Energie und Energieeffizienz"
, Antrag vom
Bundeskanzleramt der Republik Österreich, 22.3.2011
Weltweiter Atomausstieg.
Wir beginnen hier und jetzt!, Unterschriftensammlung mit Ziel
einer europäischen Volksabstimmung zum Atomausstieg, GLOBAL 2000 / Friends of the Earth
Bündnis von "Alternativen Nobelpreisträgern" fordert weltweiten Atomausstieg,
Right Livelihood Award Foundation, Stiftung World Future Council, 29.3.2011
cf. also
Klage gegen Schweizer AKW Mühleberg, ORF.at, 17.05.2011,
Vorarlberg beharrt auf Klage gegen Schweiz, ORF.at, 25.05.2011
Städte kämpfen künftig gemeinsam gegen die Atomkraft, Stadt Wien,
Wirbel um Subvention von Atomkraft - Rechtliche Schritte drohen,
DER STANDARD, 15.4.2012
Österreich wird atomstromfrei, Bundesregierung, Greenpeace und
Global 2000 beschliessen Importverbot für Atomstrom, 17.04.2012
Warnings About a New Nuclear Reactor, World Media Foundation, Living on
Earth, 15.4.2011 (mit Kommentaren von SolarPeace.org)
Response by the government of Austria regarding SolarPeace press
release: UN Resolution on Security and energy needed urgently!
, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich,
Response by the government of Austria regarding SolarPeace press
release: UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich,
D |
Press comments on the global energy
transition... |
Global energy
Fukushima accelerates
Global energy transition
Nagasaki mayor calls for shift away from nuclear energy, Japan Today,
"Fukushima markiert den Anfang vom globalen Ausstieg aus der Atomkraft"
(Deutschland, Schweiz, Italien, Japan), Greenpeace, 17.7.2011
Japan plant Atomausstieg, NZZ, 13.7.2011 und
Japan: Kein weiterer Ausbau der Nuklearenergie, EU Umweltbüro, 12.5.2011
Japan’s Richest Man Takes on Atomic Future With Solar Plans, Bloomberg, 15.6.2011;
Solarrevolution auf Japanisch, Solarmedia, 16.6.2011
Sweden: AKW-Neubau aufgekündigt, taz, 7.7.2011
zu teuer, taz, 6.7.2011
Italy: Atomausstieg per Volksentscheid, Citizen Times, 12.6.2011 und
Italien lehnt AKW ab: Positive Reaktionen, DiePresse.com, 13.06.2011
Schwitzerland: Bundesrat beschliesst Atomausstieg, admin.ch, 25.05.2011;
Grundsatzentscheid für den Atomausstieg, NZZ, 26.5.2011;
Das unerwartet deutliche JA zum Atomausstieg, NZZ, 8.6.2011
Nuclear exit in Germany - Die notwendige Wende, Süddeutsche Zeitung,
AKW-Laufzeiten in Deutschland - Deutschlands größtes AKW weist massive
Sicherheitsprobleme auf, Südwest-Presse, 29.4.2014 und
Alles sicher? Ex-Atomsicherheitschef sagt "Nein", Heidenheimer Zeitung,
Neuer Rekord: Ökostrom deckt 74% des Bedarfs, heise.de, 12.5.2014
Deutsche Solaranlagen erzeugten heute fast 40% des in
Deutschland verbrauchten Stroms, Medienmitteilung FORUM Gemeinsam gegen
das Zwischenlager und für eine verantwortbare Energiepolitik e.V., 20.5.2014
Erzeugung aus konventionellen Anlagen ging zurück, BDEW, 22.5.2014
A vision becomes reality: 100 %
renewable power in northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein), IWR, 22.5.2014
In Deutschland 300.000 bei
"Fridays for Future", Sonnenseite.com / Hans-Josef Fell, 16.3.2019
E |

Swiss nuclear power plant locations

Atominfomedia, 31.5.2011 (So
blöfft die Atomwirtschaft)

© moritzleuenberger.net |
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
How much radioactivity do the Swiss
nuclear power plants produce?
Print version for reading and passing on ...
(2 pages)
Following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima/Japan all Swiss nuclear power
plants and the ENSI were asked for information about the daily amount of
radioactivity produced and the total existent radioactivity levels in each
of the respective nuclear power plants. At the same time the nuclear power
plants and the ENSI were asked to disclose these levels of radioactivity in
comparison with the radioactivity released by the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.
The resulting correspondence (see sources) is impressive.
Despite registered letters, the nuclear power plant Leibstadt did not reply
to the first request. The response from the nuclear power plants Beznau (AXPO),
Mühleberg (BKW) and Gösgen (ALPIQ) were evasive and failed to address the
questions. They only referred to internet sites and publications by the
Federal Office for Energy (BFE), the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG),
the National Emergency Operations Centre (NAZ) and the Swiss Federal Nuclear
Safety Inspectorate (ENSI). All nuclear power plants were contacted again.
The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) is the "Federal
regulatory authority for nuclear safety of the Swiss nuclear power plants".
When asked the same questions about radioactivity in the nuclear power
plants, the ENSI replied, that...
Read the full
press release with all the sources here ...

Atominfomedia, 15.11.2011 (Fukushima-Reaktoren
in Europa) and 3.7.2011 (Mühleberg
schon lange unsicher)

Atominfomedia, 27.7.2011
als Anschlagziel) |
Annex F |

Explosion in Reaktorblock 3, Fukushima,
© NTV Japan

Explosions in block 1 (left) and block 3 (right),

Contaminated water drifts towards USA, © geomar.de, sonnenseite.com,
Fukushima: «Radioaktivität von etwa 10.000 Hiroshimabomben lagert in
Reaktorblock 4», ZDF, 26.02.2014 (PDF-Kopie
) und in der SRF Rundschau
vom 26.2.2014
Zeitbombe Fukushima
«Fukushima - ein atomares Zwischenlager?», IPPNW, Dr. Alex Rosen,
13.7.2016 und
«Sonnenseite.com» 16.7.2016
Fukushima: Höchste Strahlung seit Kernschmelze gemessen, 7.2.2017,
Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2017, Sonnenseite.com
Mahnmale des Atomzeitalters, 7.2.2017, Prof. Udo E. Simonis,
Fukushima: AKW-Abbau ... Jod 129 mit Halbwertszeit von über 15 Millionen
Jahren ..., 24.10.2018, Sonnenseite.com
Nuclear more expensive than Natural Power - Change the supplier,
17.1.2013 |
Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU?
«Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU»
(ARTE, 6.3.2012)
11.3.2012, updated 16.7.2016
Summary for reading, printing, passing on ...
(2 pages)
The documentation «Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU»
(original title: «Fukushima - Die Wahrheit hinter dem Super-GAU»),
broadcasted on 6.3.2012 by ARTE, provides new
information regarding the critical comparison of nuclear power plants and
nuclear bombs.
SolarPeace.org summarised the essential statements of this
documentation for the Fukushima anniversary.60)
• The explosion in the
non-operating reactor block 4
• The explosion in reactor block 3
• The quantity of released
• Conclusion for Switzerland and Europe
the summary now ...
(2 pages)
The problem
in Fukushima was finally caused by a loss of power supply.
«A total loss of power
supply was unimaginable. We have never assumed that, also for pressurised
water reactors.» (Emmerich
Seidelberger, Nuclear engineer, Austria)60)
Since SolarPeace.org published the quantity of
radioactivity produced in nuclear power plants («An
average nuclear power plant produces a daily quantity of radioactivity
equivalent to four Hiroshima nuclear bombs»),
it has been criticized repeatedly sweeping and regardless of the source data,
that nuclear power plants could not be compared with nuclear bombs. However
these critics were never scientifically, as on SolarPeace.org the quantity of
produced radioactivity and not the explosive force is being compared.62)
The documentation «Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU»
extents this comparison significantly (regarding the explosion in Fukushima
block 3 it is explained: «It is similar to a nuclear
bomb, but not quite as severe.»).60)
the summary now ...
(2 pages)
«It is no exaggeration to
say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on NO.4 reactor.»61)
Mitsuhei Murata,
Former Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland and Senegal,
Executive Director to the Japan Society for Global System and Ethics,
Tokyo, March 25, 2012 (Copy
Nach Fukushima: Atompolitik in Japan,
«Im Sarkophag von Fukushima schlummert noch eine Radioaktivität von etwa
10.000 Hiroshima-Bomben.»
Franz Alt, 5.11.2016
Frankreich fürchtet ein Fukushima-Szenario
ARD, 13.10.2017 (Kopie
in Frankreich: Fiasko in Frankreich
"Die Atomwaffen bildeten
... die Grundlage für die zivile Nutzung der Kernenergie. ... zeitweise war
2022 die Hälfte der Atomkraftwerke abgeschaltet – entweder wegen
gravierender Mängel und Schäden oder wegen mangelnden Kühlwassers wegen des
heißen Sommers. Frankreich ist zum größten Stromimporteur Europas geworden.
... Um die nukleare Abschreckungskraft Frankreichs durchzusetzen...",
TAZ, 9.5.2023
cf. Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU?
SolarPeace.org, 11.3.2012, summary (2 pages) of the TV
Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU, 52min Video on YouTube (cf.
ARTE, 6.3.2012 and
NDR, 8.3.2012): «People are burdened with doses that are much higher
than during the time of testing nuclear bombs ... 1000-times higher in the
one-hundred-km zone.», Prof. Christopher Busby, radiation chemist; «It can
not be excluded that there has been a nuclear explosion in reactor 3.», Prof. Yukio Yamaguchi, Director Citizens' Nuclear
Information Centre, Tokyo
see also
Former JNES inspector: Nuclear explosion at Fukushima No. 3 (photos &
videos), ENENEWS, 14.12.2011; and
Warning of nuclear explosion in Fukushima (German), Focus, 5.11.2011; and
Scientist warns of mini-nuclear bomb (German), Die Welt, 5.11.2011
see also
Fukushima Block 2: Strahlungswerte vehement gestiegen, Tepco, 29.3.2012
see also:
Nuclear Exit ... Energy Transition... Hopp Schwiiz! 1, 2, ... and
the linked sources no. 71 there, SolarPeace.org,
61) ccf.
Ambassador Murata´s letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, «It
is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends
on NO.4 reactor.», Mitsuhei Murata, Former Japanese Ambassador to
Switzerland and Senegal, Executive Director, the Japan Society for Global
System and Ethics, Tokyo, March 25, 2012 (Copy
see also:
Fukushima Fuel Pool at Unit 4 ... more than 15,000 times as much
radiation as was released at Hiroshima, "Humankind’s Most
Dangerous Moment", Harvey Wasserman, Global Research, 20.09.13 (Copy
see also:
Radioaktiviy in the Pacific from Japan to Hawaii, Sonnenseite.com,
see also:
Fukushima requires international rescue plan, NABU, 21.10.2013 and
«The situation in Fukushima is catastrophic»
, Nuclear expert Mycle
Schneider, 20
Minuten, 21.10.2013
«Climate Change by Radioactivity», SolarPeace.org,
see also
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't not know what they are
doing!, SolarPeace.org,
see also
"Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy" (German),
Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

G |

Nuclear more expensive than Natural Power - Change the supplier,

Mutsumi, photo ©

photo ©

Fuka, photo ©

Soma, photo ©
Nuclear Exit ...
Energy Transition
Hopp Schwiiz! 1, 2, ...70)
«I want to make it my
job to think about the safety of the people.» says Rikku, a 10 year
old boy from the city of Tomioka in middle of the prohibited area around
Fukushima, at the end of the report SF DOK «Childs of
the tsunami - Life after the nuclear catastrophy».73)
Rikku turns
unconsciously to our politicians, investors and electricity consumers.
Because of the nuclear meltdown was not caused by the tsunami, but finally
by power failure - without electricity, no cooling! Power failures can occur
also here at any time and with a variety of reasons (including earthquakes).
Without excess solar and wind power from Germany it would have become scarce
during the cold days of February 2012.71) and 60)
Please act on behalf of our children, but also
for Rikku and all the others in Japan!
Please do not wait any longer for the energy
transition. You can, you should, you wanted but for a long time yourself...
1. Order natural power...
Of course, a future oriented natural energy product.
Hydroelectric power is not enough to cover the Swiss electricity demand.
Order from your electricity supplier a natural power product that
also contains a proportion of solar power (such an electricity mix will most
likely contain beside hydro power also other new renewable energies, such as
wind power and biomass). Solar power has the largest build-up potential in
Switzerland. As long as a single tile is sleeping useless in the sun, we
have not exploited this potential. Do you already have natural power? Then
talk to friends and neighbours. Any additional demand generates further
2. Become a solar power producer...
If you don't own a house, you can participate in a community facility. For
example the ADEV Solarstrom AG operates since 1988 solar power installations
with citizen participation. The current capital raise is used for new solar
systems only (subscription period to 30 March 2012, info at
ADEV.ch). A second example is
the society Solarspar,
which operates solar power installations with its member's loans. If you own a home,
you can install your own solar system. In both cases, you can benefit from
the Swiss KEV (cost-covering feed-in-rates).
If you are still not fully aware of the
importance of these simple steps, please watch the report SF DOK
«Childs of the tsunami - Life
after the nuclear catastrophy» and read
«Fukushima - Nuclear
explosion by Super-GAU?».73)

«I want
to make it my job to think about the safety of the people.»
Rikku (10 years), photo ©
«Mama, will I'm able to have
Mutsumi (7
«I want to prevent that from
happening again.»
wish nature would not have to do this.»
Fuka (10 years)
want a job where I can save people.»
Soma (10 years)

«I want to go home.»
Saki (10 years),
photo ©
cf. «Hopp
Schwiiz - Hopp Schwiiz und wennds wotsch packe packsches jetzt!» ("Hopp
Switzerland and if you want to make it, do it now!"), Polo Hofer (Songtext)

71) cf.
Permanente Notstromversorgung der Atomkraftwerke
, SolarPeace.org letter
to Bundesrätin Doris Leuthard (UVEK), 15.2.2012 - Reply still pending.
Verbrauch doppelt so hoch: Frankreich braucht Strom aus Deutschland,
Basler Zeitung, 8.2.2012
see also
Atomkraft in Frankreich: Fiasko in Frankreich,
TAZ, 9.5.2023
cf. Kaltreserve:
Deutschland exportierte die ganze Zeit Strom ins Ausland .. u.a. in die
Schweiz (1.603 MW), Saarländische
Online Zeitung, 13.2.2012
Angebliche Blackout-Gefahr - Wie sicher ist die deutsche Stromversorgung
wirklich?, FOCUS, 14.2.2012
see also
Seismological analysis of recent earthquake disasters in New Zealand and
Japan: 10 conclusions for Switzerland (German)
«M6.3-Earthquakes as the Christchurch-Earthquake are possible and ...
expected in Switzerland.», Presentation
Erdbebendienst SED (Swiss Earthquake Service SED),
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity», SolarPeace.org,
Solarenergie: Ressource statt Finanzprodukt, PVA/Pressetext, 29.6.2012
Today: Germany produces 21 GW solar power - That is world record and
the double of Germany's nuclear power plants, SMA, 25.5.2012; and
New solar records, Sonnenseite.com, 23.5.2012
see also
«Decade of Photovoltaik», Solarmedia, 24.3.2012;
Solar power production increased in first quarter by more than 40%,
Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft, 11.04.2012; and
Turbobooster for Solar cells, 40% efficiency, University of Sydney,
24.04.2012; and
Wise politicians support solar energy, Prof. Eicke R. Weber 2011,
Director Fraunhofer-Institute for Solar Energy Systems
Grid parity was achieved in Germany in 2011
«Grid parity was achieved in Germany in 2011
with levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of newly
installed systems below retail electricity prices for private households.»,
Germany Trade & Invest 2013/2014
see Suppliers of
Natural Power,
Order at your electricity supplier a
natural power / green energy, which also includes a portion of solar

Children of the Tsunami - Life after the nuclear catastrophy, SF DOK
("Kinder des Tsunami - Leben nach dem atomaren GAU"), 15.3.2012
(50min German, see also on
SWR "Die Kinder des Tsunami · Japan". 11.03.2021), «I want to make it my job to think about the safety of
the people.», Rikku (10 year old boy from the city of Tomioka in middle
of the prohibited area around Fukushima); view the original production by
Journeyman Pictures (60min English); see also
des Tsunami - Leben nach dem atomaren GAU, 15min video on YouTube;
Kinder des Tsunami - Dingsda ..., Focus, 6.3.2012; and the 6min
W wie Wissen: Kinder des Tsunami, ARD, 4.3.2012
Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU?
SolarPeace.org, 11.3.2012, summary (2 pages) of the TV
Fukushima - The truth behind the Super-GAU, 52min Video on YouTube (cf.
ARTE, 6.3.2012 and
NDR, 8.3.2012).
«Climate Change by Radioactivity», SolarPeace.org,
PS ... |
tell others ... |
About 3000 persons, politicians and decision
makers world-wide receive the
SolarPeace-Information. All emails and letters are created with so-called 'Natural
Power', clean electricity generated with 100%
renewable energies (sun, water, wind, biomass or geothermal).
Increasing demand creates investments and the necessary supply. Each order
for 'Natural Power' supports the build-up of a future-oriented energy supply
and is an effective contribution to climate protection.
Please pass these information over to other interested persons.
Cordial thanks!
PDF-print versions
passing on ...
UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity
Iranian nuclear virus more dangerously than bird flu - however cureable...
Causal solution for the iranian nuclear conflict - or war for oil? (German)
Showcase: "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project" (German)
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