Rudd 1)

It's high time for large investments in
energy efficiency and into the build-up of the renewable energies. |
Congratulation to Australia! The change
of government to Kevin Rudd will ring in the solar age in Australia.
The new Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin
Rudd, announced directly after his election that his government will
«address with "great urgency" the pressing challenges
of climate change and water».
The new Australian government wants to
increase the use of renewable energies strongly in order to create a
mass-market and to bring down the cost of solar energy, wind energy and
other renewable energy technologies. Also planned is a billion-budget for
research and development of 'Clean Coal ' and renewable energies.
Just a few months ago in May 2007 John Howard, the
Australian Prime Minister at that time, said: «There are only two ways to
produce energy in our country: We can burn our fossil fuels or build nuclear
power plants.» John Howard ignored thereby - just like the Iranian
president Mahmud Ahmadinedschad - the gigantic energy potential of large
solar power stations (solar chimney power plants, parabolic reflector power
plants, photovoltaic solar power plants, etc.) and of wind farms. He
also ignored, how much space, sun and wind exist in Australia as natural and
free resources.
John Howard was voted out. The
rumours about possible nuclear power plants in Australia became obsolete by
the triumphal election victory of Kevin Rudd.
Since each nuclear reactor contains the radioactivity of
approximately 2'000 nuclear bombs the size of Hiroshima, this dedicated
«No to nuclear energy» is a globally
responsible and an economically sustainable decision. 3)
A rapid and solid build-up of renewable energies in
Australia will also give an important international signal to countries such
as India, Pakistan and Iran. This is a chance for
peace, economy, security, independence and ecology in these globally
important regions. 4)
landslide victory, «Kevin Rudd immediately declared his government would
address with "great urgency" the pressing challenges of climate change...»,
The Age, 25.11.2007
Energy policy differences, The Age, 19.11.2007
Australia refuses uranium for India, Sydney (dpa) 2008, 19.01.2008
see also
Australia: Renewable Energy Target 20% by 2020, Clean Energy Council,
2) see
Swiss solar world record in New York – and in Switzerland? (German), SolarPeace.org,
64 MW parabolic reflector power plant "Nevada Solar One", Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Sonnenenergie e.V., 10.06.2007
150 MW parabolic reflector power plant for Egypt, Solar Millennium AG,
354 MW parabolic reflector power plant in California, Solarserver.de
see Innovation
award 2007 for new generation of mass-producable solar thermal power plants, NOVATEC BioSol, 30.04.2007
see also
Solar thermal power plants (overview), Solarenergie-Förderverein Deutschland e.V. (SFV);
Jordan Solar Water / POSEIDON, kernenergien - the solar power company;
Planned solar chimney power plant for Australia, Heise.de, and
Solar chimney power plants, Solarserver.de
see »A reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt
nuclear explosion.«,
Prof. Dr.
Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), «Can the World Do Without Nuclear
Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (see
copy page 5
Note: this corresponds to annually 1460
Hiroshima Atombomben
à 12.5 kt (Copy
), International
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW,
1985 Nobel Peace Prize)
4) see
Iranian nuclear virus more dangerously than bird flu - however cureable
(German), SolarPeace.org, 7.4.2006; and
Causal solution for the iranian nuclear conflict - or war for oil?
in the article
Trustworthy peace policies request renunciation of nuclear energy!
(German), SolarPeace.org, 24.5.2005
Arab countries are well suited for renewable energies (German),
Bundesumweltministerium, 13.06.2006 |

Change your power to renewable energies ... |
Order natural power ...
With your
order of natural power
you support that a future-qualified energy supply is rapidly developed...
Natural Power is electricity produced by 100% renewable energies (Solar,
Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal).
still today from your electricity supplier a natural power product, which
contains also a portion of solar electricity, or change your supplier.
All households using natural
power provide a significant contribution to build up a future-qualified
energy supply and by this means support peace, economy, security, neutrality
and ecology
Suppliers of natural power (examples):
Schweiz (all suppliers), an initiative by AEE.
EKZ (Kanton Zürich): Naturstrom azur
EWZ (Stadt Zürich): ewz.ökopower
LichtBlick GmbH
Naturstrom AG
EWS Schönau GmbH
Greenpeace energy
Alpen Adria Energie AG
oekostrom AG
New Zealand:
Meridian Energy
TrustPower Limited |