The solar airplane
«Solar Impulse 2» of Swiss explorers Bertrand Piccard and André
Borschberg attempting the first round the world solar flight has broken all
distance and duration world records for solar aviation. Already on the 4th
day of the in total about 118 hours and 8200 km long solar flight of the
8th leg from Japan to Hawaii, the pilot André Borschberg also has broken the
record for the longest solo flight ever. By remaining airborne above the
Pacific Ocean 5 consecutive days and nights, producing its own power exclusively with solar energy,
«Solar Impulse 2» has proven that Bertrand
Piccard's vision of reaching unlimited endurance without fuel was not a
«Can you imagine that a
solar powered airplane without fuel can now fly longer than a jet plane!»,
said Bertrand Piccard, initiator, chairman and pilot of Solar Impulse.
«This is a clear message that clean technologies can
achieve impossible goals!»1)
The main goal of this adventure is to collect
millions of voices for the initiative «Future
is Clean». This initiative is aiming to
encourage the governments to replace old polluting devices and systems by
new clean technology, in order to save energy and natural resources in a
profitable way, creating jobs and economic growth while protecting the
Exploration to change the world, pictures, videos, live
broadcast from the cockpit, information
and comments, 2015
Record-breaking solar flight reaches Hawaii after 5 nights and days airborne
without fuel, «It is not only a historic first in aviation it is
also a historic first for renewable energies»,
The "SOLAR IMPULSE 2" world records dedicated to FUTURE is CLEAN
initiative, 3.7.2015
"SOLAR IMPULSE 2" breaks world records on its flight from Japan to Hawaii,
cf. Future is
Clean, FUTUREisCLEAN.org by Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg,
founders and pilots of Solar Impulse, 2015:
«I want concrete actions for a
clean future. At the UN Climate Conference (COP21), let’s show world leaders
how many people care about clean technology solutions.»

«Obama wollte ein Foto machen»
, «Am Klimagipfel in Paris traf Bertrand
Piccard, 57, die wichtigsten Staatschefs der Welt.
SI: Zweifeln Sie manchmal daran, dass es den Klimawandel wirklich gibt?
PICCARD: Nein. Aber die Antwort auf diese Frage ändert nichts an der
Notwendigkeit der Energiewende. ...», Schweizer Illustrierte, Dezember 2015
The achievements by
«Solar Impulse 2» teach us two lessons:
Yes, we can
and must reduce the production of CO2
Yes, we can and must stop the
production of radioactivity completely!
The first lesson will hopefully be transformed
into global action at the upcoming UN Climate
Conference (COP21) in Paris to reduce global warming.3)
The second lesson, often still overlooked by
some countries and organisations, will hopefully be taken just as well into account at
the UN Climate Conference (COP21) and put into global action as
outlined and explained in the
UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity» suggested
on SolarPeace.org.4)
Today all needed solutions and
technologies to harness the sun and the wind are fully available and very
As long as a single roof tile still sweats
useless in the sun, we haven't used the full potential.
Each of us can act, not
only by signing the
is Clean» initiative, but also by acting in
private life as demonstrated for example in the German cinema movie
mit der Energiewende - Selber machen» (Life
with energy transition: Do it
Die Energiewende macht uns zu Gewinnern
Nach der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe vor 30 Jahren
hatten viele deutsche Atomkraft-Gegner gehofft, dass der Ausstieg aus der
Nuklearenergie rasch kommen werde. Aber es bedurfte erst des nächsten großen
Unfalls in Fukushima – damit vor jetzt fünf Jahren Deutschland, die Schweiz
und die Niederlande den Atomausstieg beschlossen. Doch inzwischen ist das
globale Ende der Atomkraft absehbar. ...
Die Welt steigt aus der Atomenergie aus
Siegeszug für Sonne und Wind ...
Papst und Dalai Lama sind sich einig
Franz Alt, 26.4.2016,
Lesen ...
Das Klimaziel von Paris ist ein Triumph des Realismus
Nach Erstens, so erklärt jetzt ein
Wissenschaftler-Team, ist es notwendig, den globalen Temperaturanstieg unter
2 Grad Celsius zu halten, weil bei ungebremstem Klimawandel enorme Risiken
auf die Menschheit zukommen. Zum ersten Mal zeigen die Forscher in einem
Diagramm, bei welcher Erwärmung welche Elemente des Erdsystems kippen
könnten. Zweitens ist die Umsetzung des Pariser Klimaziels machbar, durch
eine technologische Explosion der erneuerbaren Energiesysteme und anderer
Innovationen, und die Implosion der fossilen Industrien. Drittens ist das
Klimaziel einfach genug, um weltweit politisch etwas in Bewegung zu bringen.
Potsdam-Institut für
Klimafolgenforschung, 25.6.2016,
Lesen ...
UN Climate Conference (COP21), United Nations
cf. Paris 2015 - COP21
- For a universal climate agreement, 30.11.2015 – 11.12.2015
UN-Klimakonferenz in Paris 2015, Wikipedia
Triumph for Sun and Wind, 3.7.2015 and
Opportunity for the world's climate, 28.6.2015, Franz Alt
«Climate Change by Radioactivity», SolarPeace.org,
Response by the government of Austria regarding SolarPeace press
release: UN Resolution on Security and energy needed urgently!
, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich,
15.4.2011; and
Response by the government of Austria regarding SolarPeace press
release: UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
, Bundeskanzleramt Österreich,
Der Atom-Klima-Konnex: eine doppelte Gefahr für die Zukunft, 12.01.2016,
Sonnenseite.com und 10.1.2016,
oekonews.at, Autor: Jakob von Uexkull vom
Obama and Nobel Prize
Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban, SolarPeace.org,
cf. Leben
mit der Energiewende - Selber machen, 2015, with free cinema movie
videos; «'Leben mit der Energiewende' motiviert dazu die Energiewende 'selber zu
Franz Alt im Fernsehinterview, 22.05.2015
see also
First crossing of the Alps with an electric airplane, 10.7.2015; and
First crossing of the English Channel with an electric airplane,
13.7.2015, Sonnenseite.com

Exploration to change the world ... July 26th, 2016 - 00:05 UTC: Landing
in Abu Dhabi, pictures, videos and live
broadcast from cockpit, 26.7.2016
Solar Impulse: Zero-fuel plane begins final flight, BCC.com, 24.7.2016
Die Landung der «Solar Impulse 2»,
SRF.ch, 26.7.2016
We flew 40,000km without fuel!
What is Solar Impulse?
video on youtube.com
Alliance for Clean Technologies ,
Marrakech, 11 November 2016 – «The Solar Impulse Foundation launched the
World Alliance for Clean Technologies today during COP22, as a legacy to the
first ever solar flight around the world. »

25.7.2016 - The solar airplane
«Solar Impulse 2» flies all around the world ... without
using a single drop of fossil fuel, without producing any radioactivity or CO2.
The vision is reality. There are no excuses anymore: We can and must without any further delay reduce the production of CO2
significantly and stop the production of radioactivity completely!
It's the chance and responsibility of our generation to transform the global
energy supply towards 100% renewable energies now! This is also
economically sensitive, as sun and wind don't send an invoice (see e.g.
Congratulations to Bertrand and André with
all team!
Nuclear weapon-free world is not a utopia, but a necessity
other truly solar impulse: «...
I am deeply convinced that a nuclear weapon-free world is not a utopia, but
an imperative necessity. We need to constantly remind world leaders of this
goal and of their commitment. ...
Politicians who think that problems or disputes can be resolved through the
use of military force (even as a “last resort”) must be rejected by society;
they must leave the stage. ...
Nuclear weapons must be prohibited. Even more: War must be prohibited. ...»
TASS, October 10, 2016
Gorbatschow fordert Verbot des Krieges
Der frühere Staatspräsident der
Sowjetunion wendet sich gegen den "Kult der militärischen Gewalt". ..., 17.10.2016, Sonnenseite.com
UN votes to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017
October 27, 2016
Nach Fukushima: Atompolitik in Japan,
«Im Sarkophag von Fukushima schlummert noch eine Radioaktivität von
10.000 Hiroshima-Bomben.»
Franz Alt, 5.11.2016
SolarPeace.org is proudly supported by
Dolphin's Design Wolfgang W. Rehfus.
OPAL Address and Dossier
Management System enables us to send thousands of individual and
mailing e-mails, to stay in direct contact with each recipient and in
particular to keep
an individual and detailed overview about each recipient's dossier
(collection of all activities).
We wish to thank and recommend the
OPAL Address and Dossier
Management System to businesses,
organisations, self-employed and private persons with similar high aspirations.

tell others ...

About 3000 persons, politicians and decision
makers world-wide receive the
SolarPeace-Information. All emails and letters are created with so-called 'Natural
Power', clean electricity generated with 100%
renewable energies (sun, water, wind, biomass or geothermal).
Increasing demand creates investments and the necessary supply. Each order
for 'Natural Power' supports the build-up of a future-oriented energy supply
and is an effective contribution to climate protection.
Please pass these information over to other interested people.
Cordial thanks!
Congratulations, Aloha and all the best to André and Bertrand with
all team! |
PDF-print versions
passing on ...
UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity
Showcase: "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project" (German)
SolarPeace-Flyer |