Nuclear energy referendum
in Switzerland - Nuclear energy policy in Japan
Swiss referendum
«For an orderly withdrawal from the
nuclear energy programme»
at 27.11.2016 and
«Energy Strategy 2050» at
Wolfgang Rehfus
Date: 7.11.2016 - 27.4.2019
- 9.11.2016
- 7.12.2016
- 21.5.2017
- 1.6.2017
Original Deutsche Version |
Fukushima also slumbers
in Switzerland
Nuclear energy referendum in Switzerland
Nuclear energy policy and international press
Annex 1: Reply from Dr. Irene Aegerter (präsident
Annex 2: Atomausstieg dient „Schutz des Lebens und
der Gesundheit“ (Bundesverfassungsgericht)
Annex 3: Switzerland votes for «Energy Strategy
2050» with
Nuclear Phase-Out
and Renewable Energy
Annex 4:
Congratulation Switzerland - Quiz for free «OPAL addresses-
and dossier management» (version 7.1)
● PS ... |
Fukushima in Switzerland |

After Fukushima: nuclear policy in Japan (German), Franz Alt, 5.11.2016 ( Copy
Fukushima: «Radioaktivity of about 10.000 Hiroshima bombs in reaktor block
, ZDF, 26.02.2014
and in SRF Rundschau from 26.2.2014
Zeitbombe Fukushima
Taiwan plans to exit nuclear energy until 2025, Deutsche Sektion der Internationalen
Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges/Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V.
Atomkraft weltweit in der Krise, Franz Alt, 7.1.2017
«Without nuclear power
no nuclear bomb. And as long as nuclear bombs exist, there is a danger of
nuclear wars. A nuclear war would be the last war in human history. Because
after that there would be no more people who could still wage war.»,
Franz Alt said on the 1st Word Conference Community Power and the Mayor of
Fukushima City explained: «When I was on the fifth
anniversary of the disaster at the reactor, nuclear radiation values were
measured, which are 10'000 times higher than the legal limits».1)
Franz Alt added unmistakably: «In
the sarcophagus of Fukushima still slumbers
a radioactivity of
about 10'000 Hiroshima bombs.»1)
Thus Fukushima also slumbers in Switzerland,
because the Swiss nuclear reactors contain about the same quantities of
radioactivity. The five Swiss nuclear power plants contain radioactivity in
an order of magnitude of approximately 10’000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs
and threaten not only the Swiss population, but also the population of
neighbouring countries. This is a violation of constitutional principles,
human rights and international law.2)
The Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate
ENSI had confirmed these facts about the produced radioactivity in a written
survey, but rejected its own responsibility and jurisdiction.2)
and 3)
After Fukushima: nuclear policy in Japan (German), Franz Alt, 5.11.2016 (Copy
Frankreich fürchtet ein Fukushima-Szenario,
ARD, 13.10.2017 (Kopie
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are
cf. correspondence with
Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI,,
1.6.2011 to 1.7.2011 (einschl.
Mitteilung der Umfrageergebnisse vom 31.8.2011 und der später nachgefragten
Antwort des ENSI vom 12.6.2012)
Nuclear referendum |

Referendum booklet (German)
Explanations by the Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat), Referendum at 27.11.2016 (PDF, 270 kB,
The initiative
an orderly withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme» («Für
einen geordneten Atomausstieg»)
Bye Bye nuclear power? All information for the upcoming referendum
Referendum booklet (German), SRF, 1.11.2016
Arguments «For
an orderly withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme» (German):
● Adoption creates jobs,
● Questionable argumentation of the Federal Council in the referendum
● Insurance against nuclear accident,
● Wind and sun can do it alone,
● Panic is not justified, etc.,
Atominfomedia -
to pitfalls of nuclear industry, Guntram Rehsche, 2016
Kilchberg informiert über Radioaktivität & Lösung Naturstrom (German),,
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
On November 27, 2016, Switzerland will vote on
the initiative «For an orderly withdrawal from the
nuclear energy programme». Just as in past referendums on nuclear
power, the public is not being informed about the radioactivity quantities
produced at the Swiss nuclear power plants. Neither in the referendum
booklet nor in the TV broadcast SRF ARENA the radioactivity in the Swiss
nuclear reactors is mentioned.4)
It is hard to believe, but the noun «radioactivity»
is searched in vain in the referendum booklet, only the adjective «radioactive»
is found in exactly three places.
However, both words are missing in the chapter
«The Arguments of the Federal Council» («Die Argumente des Bundesrates»),
the risk and the core problem of the nuclear power plants - the
produced radioactivity - is completely concealed.5)
The voting population is therefore not informed about the risks and dangers
of nuclear power plants and should nevertheless vote on the initiative
«For an orderly withdrawal
from the nuclear energy programme».
We should ask ourselves whether this is an embarrassing mistake, just
coincidence, or even a conscious strategy?
In addition, the referendum booklet fosters
unfounded fears: «When the initiative is adopted, it
is foreseeable that the operators of nuclear power plants will demand
compensation from the federal government.» This question is
superfluous because of the economic inefficiency of the nuclear power
plants, whose risk is still not insurable and whose subsequent costs for
thousands of years are simply not calculable. For these reasons, but also
because the electricity production with renewable energies is much cheaper,
some operators try to give away or to sell their nuclear power plants
ridiculously cheap.6)
Nevertheless, the question of compensation
payments could be justified, however, to be paid by the operators of the
nuclear power plants to the population and taxpayers. For decades, the
population and taxpayers have borne the uninsured risk of nuclear power
plants and are thus entitled to receive compensation. In addition, it is
currently not clear whether the Swiss nuclear power plants have a valid
operating permit for the production of radioactivity at all. It is not a
matter of small quantities or just about the so-called "low radiation during
normal operation". The production of radioactivity is not mentioned in the
existing operating permits of the Swiss nuclear power plants. One day it
will also be necessary to examine whether the operators of the nuclear power
plants in their applications for operation permit had mentioned and publish
the quantities of the produced radioactivity at all, or even suppressed them and
deceived both the authorities and the public inadvertently, negligently or
The exit from nuclear power comes one way or
the other. With the adoption of the initiative «For
an orderly withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme»,
it becomes much more predictable, safer, calculable and affordable for the
population, economy and politics.
cf. Popular Initiative
«For an orderly withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme (Nuclear
Withdrawal Initiative)»,, The Federal Council, The Portal of the Swiss Government for the
next popular vote on 27.11.2016
Abstimmungs-Arena: «Atomausstiegs-Initiative», SRF, 28.10.2016
the initiative
an orderly withdrawal from the nuclear energy programme» («Für
einen geordneten Atomausstieg»)
Referendum booklet (German)
Explanations by the Swiss Federal Council (Bundesrat), Referendum at 27.11.2016 (PDF, 270 kB,
see also
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!,,
Alpiq plans to sell its nuclear power plants to the Confederation for 1
Swiss Franc, «Because the two
nuclear power plants Gösgen and Leibstadt are unprofitable, the operator
Alpiq has attempted to give the plants to France for free. Because this plan
failed, Alpiq is now trying to sell its nuclear power plants to the
Confederation for a ridiculous price.»,
SRF, 6.11.2016 (Copy
Der gefährliche Trick mit der Notfallkühlung in Atomkraftwerken,
Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23.11.2016
Rissige Reaktoren in Europa?,, 24.11.2016
see also
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
Nuclear policy |

After Fukushima: nuclear policy in Japan (German), Franz Alt, 5.11.2016 ( Copy

Nobel Laureates call for ban treaty negotiations, IPPNW,
Recommended books:
gegen den Krieg", Akademie Bergstraße, Henrik Paulitz
The Future, Al Gore, 7.1.2017
Leben im Zeitalter der Überforderung, Gabor Steingart, 7.1.2017

Nuclear power plants cause a climate change too.
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
After Fukushima: nuclear policy in Japan (German)
«Without nuclear power no nuclear bomb. And as
long as nuclear bombs exist, there is a danger of nuclear wars. A nuclear
war would be the last war in human history. Because after that there would
be no more people who could still wage war. ... "Why always Japan?" I ask
myself. In 1945, the first nuclear bombs of history were dropped on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 140,000 immediate deaths and another 200,000 deaths
thereafter. And even today, up to 3,000 dead by nuclear radiation every year
as a result of the nuclear bombs of 1945, the mayor of Nagasaki had told me
before. And now Fukushima. ... By now, the world could have learned that
nuclear power means Russian roulette. Each nuclear power plant is an attack
on the creation. ... In the sarcophagus of Fukushima still slumbers a
radioactivity of about 10,000 Hiroshima bombs.», Franz Alt, 5.11.2016 (Copy
Frankreich fürchtet ein Fukushima-Szenario
ARD, 13.10.2017 (Kopie
Nobel laureates urge nations to support a ban
ICAN, 6.1.2017
Nobel Laureates call for ban treaty negotiations
IPPNW, 3.11.2016
UN votes to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017
Nuclear weapon-free world is not a utopia, but a necessity
I am deeply convinced that a nuclear weapon-free world is not a utopia, but
an imperative necessity. We need to constantly remind world leaders of this
goal and of their commitment. ...
Politicians who think that problems or disputes can be resolved through the
use of military force (even as a “last resort”) must be rejected by society;
they must leave the stage. ...
Nuclear weapons must be prohibited. Even more: War must be prohibited. ...», TASS, October 10, 2016
Gorbatschow fordert Verbot des Krieges
Der frühere Staatspräsident der
Sowjetunion wendet sich gegen den "Kult der militärischen Gewalt". ..., 17.10.2016,
Obama and Nobel Prize
Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban
«On January 20, 2009, twelve Nobel Prize
Laureates and a former Under-Secretary General of the United Nations
addressed US President Barack Obama. In an open letter they remind President
Obama of his promise to seek a world in which there are no nuclear weapons.
Pointing to the shortfalls of the existing international regime for nuclear
non-proliferation and disarmament, Sir Harold Kroto (Nobel Prize for
Chemistry), Member of the Advisory Board of INES, and his co-signers remind
Barack Obama of the recent
by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to
use the existing Model Nuclear Weapons Convention as a starting point for
the path into a nuclear weapons free world.
... Much hope has been created in your nation and in the entire world due to
your election as President of the United States of America. We are inspired
by your public statements, that you will seek a world in which there are no
nuclear weapons.»,, 20.1.2009
Nuclear power is being left behind, industry experts say
"The 2018 edition of
the Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) reveals that nuclear power
capacity grew by only 1% in 2017, while wind and solar saw their share
increase by 17% and 35%, respectively. The report also recognizes that solar
and wind are now the cheapest grid-connected sources of energy. Investments
in new nuclear plants, on the other hand, are only being driven by public
support, and by nuclear weapon states.", 15.09.2018,
Solar and wind are now the cheapest grid-connected sources of energy!
Fukushima: AKW-Abbau ... Jod 129 mit Halbwertszeit von über 15 Millionen
"Auch Fukushima 2 soll
nun abgebaut werden, ein Prozess, der Jahrzehnte dauern wird und verloren
gegangene Arbeitsplätze ersetzt. In Fukushima 1 gibt es weiter Probleme.
Weiterhin ist nicht klar, was im havarierten AKW Fukushima 1 mit den fast
900.000 Tonnen an kontaminiertem Grund- und Kühlwasser geschehen soll, die
in Tanks auf dem Gelände gesammelt sind. Betreiber TEPCO würde das Wasser am
liebsten im Meer entsorgen. Kürzlich aber stellte sich heraus, dass es neben
Tritium auch mit Jod 129 mit einer Halbwertszeit von über 15 Millionen
Jahren sowie mit Ruthenium 106 und Technetium belastet ist....", 24.10.2018,
In Deutschland 300.000 bei
"Fridays for Future" / Hans-Josef Fell, 16.3.2019
33. Jahrestag der Tschernobyl-Kathastrophe
- Und der Atomkraftwahnsinn geht unbeirrt weiter. / Hans-Josef Fell, 26.4.2019
Kriege um Öl oder Frieden durch
die Sonne? / Hans-Josef Fell, 27.4.2019
| is proudly supported by
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1 |
But why are you still
committed to such a risky and expensive way of producing energy, if we are
able to generate our electricity requirements much more easily, safely and
more affordable with renewable energies?» ,
Reply from to Dr. Irene Aegerter, 9.11.2016
Atomkraftwerke sind in finanzieller Schieflage, «Großbritannien hält
wegen der Modernisierung von Atomwaffen weiter an AKW-Projekten fest. ...
Die Studie zeigt wieder einmal, dass es eine friedliche Nutzung der
Atomkraft nicht geben kann. So lange es die Atomkraft gibt, wird auch weiter
Waffenmaterial erzeugt werden. Daher ist es für den Weltfrieden unabdingbar,
dass der Ausbau der Atomkraft beendet wird und laufende Atomkraftwerke
schnell stillgelegt werden.», Hans-Josef Fell,, 14.11.2016
World Alliance
for Clean Technologies , Marrakech,
11 November 2016 – «The Solar Impulse Foundation launched the World Alliance
for Clean Technologies today during COP22, as a legacy to the first ever
solar flight around the world.»
from Dr. Irene Aegerter
(Präsident 7)
9.11.2016 - translated with from the original German correspondence
Dear Dr. Irene Aegerter
you for your valued response. In particular, your statement
«The third sentence comes from the poison cabinet of
cold war. The nuclear power countries had detonated hundreds of test bombs
in the atmosphere without the least impact. In a nuclear war, there could be
thousands. They can not eradicate mankind.» was shocking to me,
because the third sentence of the SolarPeace press release dated 7.11.2016
reads «A nuclear war would be the last war in human
history.». Are you really of the opinion that this third sentence,
this statement by Dr. Franz Alt, is wrong or needs criticism or that a
nuclear war is even conceivable or feasible for you as a scientist?
Please read the detailed and directly linked sources, such as the quotations
«Since a reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt
nuclear explosion... a typical nuclear reactor has in its core the
long-lived radioisotopes from 30 megatons of fission.» and «Reactor
accidents... too horrible to think about.» («Can the World Do Without
Nuclear Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Nuclear Control
Institute, 9.4.2001) as well as «The spent fuel from nuclear plants contains
enough plutonium to fabricate about 30 nuclear weapons from a single year of
operation of each power reactor» («The Future of Nuclear Energy», Chicago,
25./26.9.2008) from US nuclear physicist Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin, on:
Regarding the ionizing radiation please read there also the fully
quoted summary «Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy»
and the link to the complete original text by Dr. med.
Max Otto Bruker as well as the study «ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the
European Committee on Radiation Risk, 'The Health Effects of Ionising
Radiation Exposure at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for Radiation Protection
Purposes'» (Brussels 2003, ISBN 1-897761-24-4), which I do recommend you.
But why are you still
committed to such a risky and expensive way of producing energy, if we are
able to generate our electricity requirements much more easily, safely and
more affordable with renewable energies?
I assume your consent as the
president of to publish this correspondence in the annex
to the SolarPeace press release of 7.11.2016. Thank you very much.7)
All the best and kind regards
Wolfgang Rehfus
7) cf.
Original German correspondence with the complete reply from Dr. Irene
Aegerter (Präsident
, 9.11.2016
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!,,
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets - For risks and side effects ask
your physician or read... with fully quoted summary of «Medical
memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy» and «ECRR 2003 -
Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, 'The Health
Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for
Radiation Protection Purposes'»,, 12.11.2004
German original text "Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear
Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a. |
Annex 2 |
Auch für
die Schweiz mit ihrer unverbindlich riskanten
Atompolitik (...Atomkraftwerke laufen, solange sie sicher sind...) stellt
sich nach dem abgelehnten Referendum die dringende Frage: Warum wird „Leben
und Gesundheit“ der Bürger nicht besser geschützt?
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
BREXIT muss auch EURATOM-EXIT sein, Hans-Josef Fell - Präsident der
Energy Watch Group (EWG) und Autor des EEG, 5.12.2016 |
Atomausstieg dient „Schutz des Lebens und
der Gesundheit“ (Bundesverfassungsgericht)
Deutscher Atomausstieg bleibt
Die Begründung hat es in sich. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht entschied: Der
Atomausstieg in Deutschland nach der Fukushima-Katastrophe vor fünfeinhalb
Jahren war recht und billig. Er dient dem „Schutz des Lebens und der
Gesundheit“. Ein Kommentar von Franz Alt
Für alle Länder, die jetzt noch an ihrer alten Atompolitik festhalten – wie
zum Beispiel unser direkter Nachbar Frankreich – stellt sich nun dringend
die Frage: Warum wird dort „Leben und Gesundheit“ der Bürger nicht besser
Mit diesem Urteil, so kommentiert
die Süddeutsche Zeitung, „hat das Bundesverfassungsgericht großes getan für
den Frieden im Land“.
Zumindest in Deutschland werden bis
2022 alle AKW abgeschaltet. Aber das Thema Atommüll bleibt und die Suche
nach einem „Endlager“ beginnt jetzt erst richtig. Das Gift strahlt etwa eine
Million Jahre. Der Sarkophag in Tschernobyl, der soeben für etwa zwei
Milliarden Euro fertiggestellt wurde, wird etwa 100 Jahre halten.
Hochgerechnet auf eine Million Jahre heißt das: diese „Schutzhülle“ muss
etwa 10.000 mal erneuert werden. Billiger Atomstrom wie uns seit 50 Jahren
erzählt wird? Eine größere Lachnummer wurde der Menschheit nie vorgegaukelt.
Die eigentlichen Kosten zahlen unsere Kinder und Enkel und deren Kinder und
Die Energiekonzerne wollten mit ihrem Gang nach Karlsruhe „Schadenersatz“
für die frühere Stilllegung ihrer AKW. Die letzten werden nicht 2036, wie
2010 noch beschlossen, sondern im Jahr 2022 vom Netz gehen. Dafür wollten
RWE, E.ON und Vattenfall einen zweistelligen Milliardenbetrag.
Das BVG entschied nun, dass sie sich mit einem dreistelligen Millionenbetrag
zufrieden geben müssen, wenn überhaupt. Die Konzerne sind gut beraten, wenn
sie jetzt nach diesem Grundsatzurteil auch darauf verzichten. Andernfalls
sollte die Bundesregierung auf die weitere Bezahlung der bisherigen
Kernbrennstoff-Steuer bestehen. Diese sollte ursprünglich Ende 2016
abgeschafft werden.
Das Atomkraft-Urteil ist insgesamt ein Sieg der Politik über reine
Deutscher Atomausstieg bleibt, Franz Alt, 7.12.2016
vgl. auch
Bundesministerin Hendricks: Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt Atomausstieg:
"Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat bestätigt,
dass das Atomausstiegsgesetz von 2011 im Wesentlichen mit unserer Verfassung
im Einklang steht. Sowohl die Einführung fester Abschalttermine als auch die
Staffelung der Abschaltfristen sind verfassungskonform. Verfassungskonform
sind auch die entschädigungslose Rücknahme der Laufzeitverlängerungen von
2010 und das Gesetzgebungsverfahren selbst. Die Milliardenforderungen der
Konzerne sind mit dem heutigen Tage vom Tisch. Das Gericht sieht lediglich
in einem Randbereich des Gesetzes zu den beiden AKW Krümmel und
Mülheim-Kärlich einen Sonderfall, der jedoch die Verfassungsmäßigkeit des
Gesetzes insgesamt nicht in Frage stellt. Für diese beiden Anlagen muss der
Gesetzgeber nunmehr einen Ausgleich schaffen. Wie dies erfolgen kann,
darüber lässt das Gericht dem Gesetzgeber einen breiten
Gestaltungsspielraum. Damit steht jedenfalls fest, dass der Zeitplan des
Atomausstiegs nicht verändert wird.",
Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz,
Bau und Reaktorsicherheit, 6.12.2016, Pressemitteilung Nr. 314/16
Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt Atomausstieg, mit
weiteren Quellen und Links, 6.12.2016
Umfrage zeigt: Schweizer AKW wissen nicht was sie tun!,,
Annex 3 |

Switzerland votes for «Energy Strategy 2050» with nuclear phase-out and
renewable energy (German) ...
Read the German press releases ...
For further reading we recommend the
with latest international and local information
regarding energy transition, climate change and peace by TV journalist and
author Dr. Franz Alt. Subscribe to the
Newsletter by here ...
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets - For risks and side effects ask
your physician or read...,, 12.11.2004
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!,,
1.9.2011 |
Annex 4 |
Congratulation Switzerland - Quiz for free «OPAL addresses- and dossier
management» (version 7.1)
Fukushima, the Swiss government recognised the situation and decided to phase
out nuclear power. After long and expensive years of delay the Swiss
population democratically confirmed this decision on 21. Mai 2017
in a popular vote.
would like to thank and congratulate Switzerland on this historic decision!
Quiz question:
How much
is being produced
in an average nuclear power plant?
«Since a reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt
nuclear explosion, and fuel in a reactor has typically been there for an
average of two years, a typical nuclear reactor has in its core the
long-lived radioisotopes from 30 megatons of fission.» and «Reactor accidents... too horrible to think about.»,
Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin, «Can the World Do Without Nuclear
Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?»,
Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (cf.
copy page 5 and
copy page 6
Hiroshima nuclear bomb represented a 12.5 kt nuclear explosion. (Copy
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW,
Peace Nobel Price 1985,
Thus, an average nuclear power plant produces
a daily quantity of radioactivity equivalent to four Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
in the correspondence with
Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI
1.6. until 1.7.2011 (incl. letter with the survey results from 31.8.2011,
see also the replies by the nuclear power plants in
Survey shows:
Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
(including the ENSI-Confirmation),,
see also
«Climate Change by Radioactivity»,,
including the press release
JAPAN nuclear catastrophe: UN Resolution on Security and energy needed

This decision is
an historic one also due to its previous history. Already in
2003 there were votes on nuclear energy, missed opportunities for
the population, the economy and politics. Since then due to a lack of
political framework a number of future-oriented Swiss high-tech companies
have gone bankrupt or had been sold shortly before (Oerlikon Solar is just
one example). Now it is necessary to catch up again and to implement the
decided energy transition together and consistently.
The Swiss
government has received both a national and an international mandate. The
national build-up of renewable energies must now be implemented quick and
smooth. If the nuclear power plant operators don't decide it themselves in a useful time, a
shutdown date must be set for the remaining nuclear power plants so that the
market for renewable energies can unfold freely and fully. On the
international stage, in the name of the Swiss security and neutrality
policy, the Swiss government is now called upon to support also
neighbouring countries (especially France) in order to phase-out the operation of
nuclear power plants, the daily production of radioactivity in the order of
magnitude of several Hiroshima nuclear bombs (cf. sources used and the ENSI
confirmation on,
in those countries.
We would
like to thank the former opponents and advocates and support the joint
implementation of the now agreed energy transition.

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us with the concrete and correct answer to the following quiz question.
question: «How
much radioactivity is being produced daily in an average nuclear power
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PS ... |
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PDF-print versions
passing on ...
UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»
Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing!
Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity
SolarPeace-Flyer |