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Collective help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti

Donations after hurricane "Matthew" urgently needed.


Author: Wolfgang Rehfus

Date:   24.11.2016

Original Deutsche Version

 ●  Help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.»

 ●  Donations after hurricane "Matthew" urgently needed

PS ...


Contakt and donation bank accounts, see donations "Spenden" and menu "Unterstützen/Spenden". Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.

Pwojè men kontre



Happy orphans have found a new home (Photo private, Dr. Anke Brügmann)


Classroom (Photo private, Dr. Anke Brügmann)


Schoolgirls (Photo private, Dr. Anke Brügmann)


Together, in Switzerland on Sunday, we vote to end the risky and expensive nuclear energy peacefully and safely, but also economically wise and in an orderly manner (read...).

Together we can also help the orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti. The hurricane «Matthew» hit the region of Beaumont at the beginning of October 2016 directly.

Mrs. Bräutigam from the aid organisation «Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.» wrote to me last week that the old buildings of the orphanage and school were severely damaged or destroyed by hurricane Matthew.

«Pwojè men kontre» operates an orphanage for currently 72 orphans, a school for now 346 children, their own agriculture, emergency relief and currently moves to a new location and creates new buildings. In addition, recently a small hospital together with an American assistant team and doctor is operated as well ("Unfortunately, they were only able to treat about 75 patients of the daily 150 patients, although we had worked right into the evening darkness.").

Mrs. Bräutigam continued:  «The exterior walls of the new school buildings are already partially built, but the living quarters of the orphans are missing. The children are currently accommodated very cramped and partly in provisionary repaired buildings. The school classes could be resumed. However, in some classrooms, water and mud must be scooped out regularly before the start of the school, as the buildings are not yet ready. For schoolchildren, we now offer 5 hot meals per week. The harvest on the agricultural land was destroyed. The fruits and vegetables grown there are now missing for a healthy diet for the children.»

●   Currently it actually lacks almost everything: houses for orphans and sanitation, food, medicines and hygiene products, supply for the school canteen, school books and other school supplies, clothing, shoes, sheets and blankets, as well as financial support for their own agricultural and forestry area.

●   After hurricane "Matthew", the doctor and founder of «Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.» Dr. med. Anke Brügmann reported from Beaumont: "The orphanage with outbuildings is completely destroyed. The concrete pillars of the building had been bent like matches. The outbuildings and the school is very badly damaged. The trees are uprooted, defoliated, kinked, the plantations and the farms and fields are destroyed. Thus the whole harvest is destroyed."

●   Already in January 2010, the earthquake of magnitude 7.0 in Haiti had caused great damage. Dr. med. Anke Brügmann had at that time also helped immediately in the capital Port-au-Prince. «Pwojè men kontre» cared for refugees and in co-operation with the state and the church set up a school for refugee children.

Also today, «Pwojè men kontre» helps in the region and operates emergency aid. Dr. med. Anke Brügmann, the head of the aid organisation, continues to fight under catastrophic conditions created by hurricane Matthew to provide care for the orphanage children and also to look after the population of Beaumont, among others with urgently needed food deliveries.  

Hurricane Matthew destroys orphanage and school facilities in Beaumont - Due to the catastrophic emergency, your financial help is urgently needed, Press release and call for help after the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, Pwojè men kontre, 13.10.2016. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.


«Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.» projects include:

●  orphanage

●  school

●  social welfare program

●  agricultural program

●  medical care


vgl. «Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.» - Aktuelles

vgl. ausführlichen Bericht von Dr. med Anke Brügmann nach dem Erdbebem 2010, 1.2.2010


●  Please help  – Pwojè men kontre, See donations "Spenden" and menu "Unterstützen/Spenden" for information how donations are being used and the donation bank accounts. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.

Call for donations



Especially the little ones are always very proud when they receive their certificate.


The Haitian children keep contact with their sponsors' classes (for example, in Germany) via student letters. To this the children from the orphanage painted this picture.


School canteen (Photo private, Dr. Anke Brügmann, August 2016)

In particular, the financing of the huge construction project is still largely open. Only the beginning can be covered from reserves. «Pwojè men kontre» is urgently looking for sponsors to take over individual buildings or parts of buildings. Also material donations or voluntary cooperation is welcome.

The school of «Pwojè men kontre» is known for its good education, it is selected by the Ministry of Education as a pilot school and receives yearly a small subsidy. «Pwojè men kontre» maintains very good relations with the Ministry of Education and makes every effort to comply with all government requirements. In a reading contest in comparison with other schools, the year one kids of «Pwojè men kontre» have performed particularly well.

But the funding of the teaching for now 284 pupils causes great problems, especially for the teachers' salaries, to split the overcrowded classes. Each year in the summer holidays are the new registrations for the new school year. Every time, «Pwojè men kontre» has to reject many students because the classes are overcrowded. Dr. med. Anke Brügmann wrote at the beginning of the school year 2015: "Sometimes the parents are crying in front of me when they get no place for their kids. Some children are bedraggled or malnourished."

Today, after the hurricane «Matthew», which severely damaged or destroyed the old buildings of the orphanage and school, the support of «Pwojè men kontre» is particularly urgent.


Please donate
with direct donations to one of the bank accounts of
«Pwojè men kontre»:

See donations "Spenden" and menu "Unterstützen/Spenden" for information and donation bank accounts. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.

Pwojè men kontre
Bank: Sparkasse Wolfach
Account-no: 10148072
Bankleitzahl (BLZ): 664 527 76

For international donations:
 IBAN:  DE07 6645 2776 0010 1480 72

Please help  – Pwojè men kontre
See donations "Spenden" and menu "Unterstützen/Spenden" for information and donation bank accounts. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.

Donate for «Pwojè men kontre» while shopping online - free and easy.ösische-schule-tübingen/
(this website is no longer active, 21.8.2021)

Take two minutes to vote for «Pwojè men kontre» in the contest by Spardabank together with the WWF and „Herzenssache“. The school "Französische Schule Tübingen" repeatedly tries to secure donations for «Pwojè men kontre».


Press release and call for help after the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew, Hurricane Matthew destroys orphanage and school facilities in Beaumont - Due to the catastrophic emergency, your financial help is urgently needed, Pwojè men kontre, 13.10.2016. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.


●  Please help  – Pwojè men kontre, See donations "Spenden" and menu "Unterstützen/Spenden" for information how donations are being used and the donation bank accounts. Please use DeepL to translate easily from German into English.


The school of Menkontre is known for its good education. The funding of the teaching for now 284 pupils causes great problems.


School class (Photo private, Dr. Anke Brügmann, August 2016)

PS ...



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