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Our World   ●   Our Help   ●   Our Health 
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«First Priority:
We are facing the biggest and most important challenge: To keep our beautiful planet EARTH inhabitable!»

Martin Vosseler, SUNwalk 2008 (walking from L.A. to Boston)

Our World

«God, the Lord, brought thus humans into the garden Eden. He transferred them the task to maintain and protect the garden (Gen 2,15)

No word of destruction was in God's speech! The creation history in the Old Testament is enormous and impressive. God created the light, separated the country from the water, let it become day and night, until he finally created life - plants, animals, humans. The book of pictures «The Creation» by Franz Alt with photos by Helfried Weyer is a special spirituell meditative journey (Franz Alt "Die Schöpfung", Gütersloher Verlagshaus, ISBN: 978-3-579-06897-8). See also «Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...» including the chapters «The Beginning ...», «The Blessing ...», «The Science ...» and «Laudato Si’ ...», possibly the most important document of our time.

«Non renewable fuels (oil, gas, coal) and nuclear energy are not Earth compatible. They have to be replaced by energy that is efficient and renewable. NOW!», Dr. med. Martin Vosseler. Martin died in a tragic bicycle accident on 23 October 2019 in Basel, his hometown in Switzerland (BAZ, TeleBasel), please see the "Mourning community for Martin, in deep solidarity" and e.g. the videos:

- Neuer Blickwinkel ... (German)

- SUNwalk 2008 interview (English)

- Planetare Ethik, Vortrag 2017 "Allein unterwegs zum Miteinander" (German)

- Martin's TEDxBasel video 2019 What is good for the Earth is good for you - walking ... (English).

«I have already been walking 15 000 km in three years... We are at a crossroads...»  The world wanderer Gregor Sieböck walks again since 21.7.2008 for a new consciousness arround the world. His motto: «Be the change you want to see in the world.», Mahatma Gandhi

The TOPtoTOP Global Climate Expedition is the 1st expedition over the 7-Seas to the 7-Summits that is achieved by human and nature’s power only. The Swiss family Sabine, Dario, Salina and Andri Schwörer together with volunteers sailed 70’000 nautical miles, biked 18’000 km and climbed 400’000 altimeters to protect the climate and to share the joy of sport and environmental action with young people all over the world. Our mission is to inspire children for a better future.

Bike for Peace and New Energies e.V. - «Durch einen Verzicht auf Kriege und Rüstungsindustrie, könnte der CO2-Ausstoß um zehn Prozent weltweit reduziert werden. Niemand muss dabei auf etwas verzichten - ausser auf Krieg.», Hans-Peter Dürr, Physiker, Träger des Alternativen Nobelpreis

World Peace Prayer Society - an NGO founded in 1955 and registered at the Unated Nations UN.  «May Peace Prevail On Earth» and «Positive Waves of Thoughts for Peace» are the vision of the founder Masahisa Goi (japanese teacher, poet, philosopher, 1916-1980)

The objective is the abolition of all nuclear weapons!  Members are 2,536 cities in 133 countries and regions (1.12.2008).  «The most important task of a major is to protect the life and property of all citizens.», Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, mayor of Hiroshima (see also "Mayors for Peace" beitreten ... and Mayors for Peace,, 5.3.2005)


Our Help
A Rocha NZ

A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand

"A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand is part of the A Rocha family of Christian environmental conservation organisations currently active in over 20 countries across 6 continents around the world. As a family, we focus on environmental science and research, practical nature conservation, environmental education, creation care and advocacy through a variety of programmes and initiatives."

Donation tax returns in New Zealand: "You can claim 33.33 cents for every dollar you donated to approved charities and organisations." (see New Zealand IRD for details).

See also Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...

Change your power ...

... order Natural Power, and donate!

The change to Natural Power (electricity generated by renewable energies) is a simple, economic and effective decision. The change to Natural Power is the only solution to the highly risky «Climate Change by Radioactivity» and an important  basis for a future-qualified, peaceful world.

"Hans Dietrich Genscher, former German Secretary Of State, reminded after the election of President Barack Obama multiple times and with emphasis to the global top priority: The abolition of all nuclear weapons! Despite the financial crisis and «Climate Change by CO2» we should not forget this. And we must also not forget, that this – The abolition of all nuclear weapons – finally is only realistic if all nuclear power plants are dismantled, which in turn is only possible by changing to Natural Power. The nuclear conflict in Iran shows these undividable context but is not the only example for it." (Extract from a SolarPeace letter to the Swiss government, 1.12.2008). In addition please see the article «Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity»,, 2.5.2008

Natural power from renewable energies - Yes, Please!

Ludwig-Bölkow-Foundation - The project "One Child One Solarlight" will make a contribution to the goal of the "Lighting Africa Development Marketplace (LADM)" to reach 250 million energy poor customers by 2030 with low cost, reliable lighting products.

Solar Energy Foundation - In order to alleviate poverty, we promote the development of solar energy because energy is one of the vital keys to education, health and development. Projects: "International Solar Energy School", "Light for Education", etc.

Rettet den Regenwald e.V. - Informationen zu Agrartreibstoffen, Palmölplantagen und Projekten zum Schutz des Regenwalds in Asien und Südamerika. Verschenken Sie ein Stück tropischen Regenwald, um unsere Lebensgrundlagen zu bewahren!


Our Health

Society for Health Advice GGB (Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung e. V., GGB), publisher emu-Verlag, education, conferences, etc. More than 25 years GGB – More than 25 years information and education in health - independent und not influenced by any industrial interests or food lobby organisations! Founded by Dr. med. Max-Otto Bruker. Please use DeepL to translate their web pages and publications easily.

Please see their English publications:

- GGB Healthy through the right food (original LVA brochure), updated English original

- GGB Healthy through the right food (older copy, 10 MB PDF)

- German GGB Info-Flyer

- German speech from Dr. Bruker "Wie kann ich meine Gesundheit erhalten" on YouTube

- German study «Hände weg vom Mikrowellenherd!» («Keep your hands away from microwave ovens!»):

Expert study by a Swiss university and an Environmental Biology Institute about the effects on food and health: «The destructive effects range from cell membrane damage, anaerobic respiration, impaired cell division, via hemolysis, leukemia and genetic alterations, through to complete paralysis of the natural circulatory system.»). See also "Are Microwave Ovens a Source of Danger?"  (Special report in The Journal of Natural Science, 2002 ), which quotes this Swiss study and provides an overview to the controversy around microwave ovens.
Integral health and nutrition counseling Switzerland
(use DeepL to translate).

In Switzerland, medically approved health advisors/counsellors from the Society for Health Advice GGB (Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsberatung e. V. GGB) joined together and established the Integral health and nutrition counseling Switzerland (Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz, "Ganzheitlich orientierte Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberatung Schweiz"), to provide health counselling independent from economic interests. Please use DeepL to translate their web pages and publications easily.

Susanne Weder und  Silke Frölich sind geprüfte Gesundheitsberaterinnen GGB in Zürich (Schweiz). Sie bieten unabhängige Beratung, Vorträge, Seminare, Kochkurse, Arbeitsprojekte für Schulen, Apéros, etc. und gehören zu den Gründerinnen von Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz.

Felix Lösch ist ärztlich geprüfter Gesundheitsberater GGB in Winterthur (Schweiz). Er gibt Ganzheitliche Gesundheits- und Ernährungsberatung in Winterthur. Seine Webseite gibt einen guten Überblick. Er ist aktiv bei Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz.

Willi Stänz ist geprüfter Gesundheitsberater GGB in Winterthur (Schweiz) und Sportlehrer. Er gibt Vorträge, Beratung und Schulung, speziell auch Aufklärungsarbeit in Schulen und Beratung von Sportlern. Seine Webseite gibt einen guten Überblick. Er ist aktiv bei Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz.

Working group of the GesundheitsberaterInnen GGB (Health Advisors GGB) in Zürich, Switzerland (today organised as Gesundheitsberatung Schweiz), with information and links on food and health, including some other health-related topics such as «5G-Internet» and electronically generated bass-amplified «boom-boom-boom» noise (bass-culture).

Healthy wholemeal bread recipes:
- Wholemeal Bread - simple, good & tasty

- Wholemeal Psyllium Bread - simple, soft & moist

Certified organic grains and freshly milled, stone ground flour and other cereal produce are available at Milmore Downs (North Canterbury, New Zealand). (webpage no longer available)

Located in tropical Cairns, Australia, the Clohesy River Health Farm is a remote and meditative place for health and nutrition. John L. Fielder trusts fully and exclusively in the natural healing processes (Handbook of Nature Cure Volume One: Nature Cure vs. Medical Science, Academy of Natural Living, 2001). He supports and complements the knowledge and experience of many other experts such as Dr. med. Max-Otto Bruker in Germany and Dr. Maximilian Bircher-Benner in Switzerland.

A summary of John's recommendations is provided by Health and Healing with 100% Raw Food (webpage no longer available)

Located in Auckland, New Zealand, Karin Puettner is a certified health advisor (Gesundheitsberaterin GGB) and author. Karin provides independent health advice, cooking classes and workshops based on the knowledge and experience of Dr. med. Max-Otto Bruker and the GGB in Germany. And for the best bread in New Zealand visit, healthy and delicious!




Please also note the links and quoted sources in the SolarPeace articles.
For example in the studies ...

UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»

Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity

Thank You!


Please forward these information to other interested persons. Thank you!

This website was developed with 100% Natural Power (renewable energies).