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Energy  Transition










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Bass-Culture: Feeling the sound can be dangerous to your health

«Long term exposure to excessive levels of High Intensity Low Frequency (HI/LF) sound, such as that produced by highly amplified bass music, airplanes, racing cars, battle field noise, etc. can not only be physically harmful, but can cause complications that can lead to death.»

14.1.2025 -  Preface: I woke up 6:30am ... Music and Noise: Same or Different? What Our Body Tells Us (Frontiers in Psychology) ... Feeling the sound can be dangerous to your health (US-NAVY MEDICINE) ... Read ...


Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...

«God, the Lord, brought thus humans into the garden Eden. He transferred them the task to maintain and protect the garden.» (Gen 2,15)

12.4.2020 - 18.11.2023 -  «Reflections on Corona and Easter, I wonder what comes out of it ...», «The Beginning ...», «The Blessing ...», «The Science ...», «Laudato Si’ ...» (possibly the most important document of our time), «Epilogue: You are Guardians ...» and P.S. ... Read ...


Collective help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti

Together we can help the orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti. The hurricane "Matthew" hit the region of Beaumont at the beginning of October 2016 directly.

24.11.2016 -  Help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre Haiti-Deutschland e.V.»... Donations after hurricane "Matthew" urgently needed... Read ...


Nuclear energy referendum in Switzerland - Nuclear energy policy in Japan

«Without nuclear power no nuclear bomb. ... In the sarcophagus of Fukushima still slumbers a radioactivity of about 10'000 Hiroshima bombs.» Thus Fukushima also slumbers in Switzerland.

Quiz question:  «How much radioactivity is being produced daily in an average nuclear power plant?»

7.11.2016 - 27.4.2019 -  Fukushima also slumbers in Switzerland... Nuclear energy referendum in Switzerland... Nuclear energy policy and international press commentary...

Annex 1: Reply from Dr. Irene Aegerter (präsident of
Annex 2: Atomausstieg dient „Schutz des Lebens und der Gesundheit“ (Bundesverfassungsgericht)...
Annex 3: Switzerland votes for «Energy Strategy 2050» with Nuclear Phase-Out and Renewable Energy (German)...
Annex 4: Congratulation Switzerland - Quiz for free «OPAL addresses- and dossier management» (version 7.1)... Read ...


Solar Impulse reaches Hawaii and flies all around the world - The Future is Clean

Future is Clean: «I want concrete actions for a clean future. Let’s show world leaders how many people care about clean technology solutions.»

3.7.2015 - 26.7.2016 -  Solar Impulse reaches Hawaii... Lessons from achievements... The Future is Clean - all around the World... Congratulations, Aloha, Photos, Videos... Read and view...


UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»

Global radioactivity produced in nuclear power plants is in an order of magnitude equivalent to the radioactivity of a multiple of one Million Hiroshima nuclear bombs.

      Natural power from renewable energies - Yes, Please!

7.8.2009 - 27.3.2019 -  The «Climate Change by Radioactivity»... Order of magnitude... Effects... Global and local solution... Read ...


 A. Core question and core problem - the end of the nuclear debate (27.1.2011)

 B. JAPAN nuclear catastrophe: UN Resolution on Security and energy needed urgently! (18.3.2011 - 5.11.2016)

 C. Austria calls for "Rethinking international" with action plan "Get out of nuclear" (20.4.2011)

 D. Global energy transition accelerated by Fukushima (Press 31.5.2011 - 22.5.2014)

 E. Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing! (1.9.20011)
 F. Fukushima - Nuclear explosion by Super-GAU? (11.3.20012 - 7.2.2017)
 G. Nuclear Exit – Energy Transition – Hopp Schwiiz!  1, 2, ... (20.3.2012)


Obama and Nobel Prize Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban

Quantity and risks by radioactivity caused by nuclear weapons and in nuclear power plants are not equal, but comparable.

20.1.2009 -  Open Letter to the President of the United States of America Barack Obama... Request to the Swiss government for public information about radioactivity & solution Natural Power... Read ...


Kilchberg city council informed of radioactivity and the solution natural power (green electricity)

«In 2009 Kilchberg will tackle the project energy» (Council Kilchberg at lake Zürichsee)

25.11.2008 -  Currently, only 3.4% of the electricity demand in Kilchberg is supplied with natural power, correspondingly large is the amount of radioactivity caused... Read... (German)


* Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity

«The conversion is realizable without significant additional costs and natural power is the superior source of electricity.» (village Herrliberg at the lake of Zürich)

2.5.2008 -  Natural Power is clean electricity produced by 100% renewable energies (Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal). Quality of life: "Natural Power is the superior source of electricity"... The necessity (physics, medicine, economics)... The basis for lifestyle, sustainability and future mobility... Read ...
12.10.2008 - Annex: Heat pumps with and without – a slight difference...


Sunrise in Australia

The change of government to Kevin Rudd will ring in the solar age in Australia.

25.11.2007 -  The new Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, announced to address the pressing challenges of climate change with great urgency and says No to nuclear power... Read ...


Switzerland elects new parliament and natural power

The five Swiss nuclear power plants contain the radioactivity of approximately 10'000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs.

7.9.2007 -  Choose in October the party, which represents your interests best.... The lists of Pro-Nuclear–Politicians (Nationalräte and Ständeräte)... Politicians, who replace nuclear energy and radioactivity by renewable energies and energy efficiency... Some facts... Order a natural power product... Read ...


Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!

Each nuclear power plant produces substantially more radioactivity than 1000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs - each year!

1.3.2007 -  The «new energy policy» of the Swiss government... The information gaps fossil-nuclear reserves of raw materials, CO2 and radioactivity, supply security... Build-up of a future oriented power supply... Order natural power (oeko power)... Read...


Kilchberg (ZH) promotes natural power (clean electricity)

Natural power (clean electricity) is electricity made from 100% renewable energies (solar, wind, water, biomass, geothermal).

17.1.2006 -  Natural power in the public community... Improvements... Natural power in private households... Current situation... Read (German)...
17.2.2006 - Annex 1: Free promotion for natural power by the OPAL Solar address management system...
17.3.2006 - Annex 2: Conservative politicians change to natural power (clean electricity)...


Showcase:  "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project"

It is peak time to start a joint future-qualified energy policy of America and Europe!

7.9.2005 -  A solar energy project with worldwide showcase qualities... Also «Katrina» requests massive investments in renewable energies ... A future-qualified co-operation of America and Europe... Read (German)...


Trustworthy peace policies request renunciation of nuclear energy !

To avoid the abuse of nuclear energy, a complete renunciation of nuclear energy and the use of renewable energies is necessary.

24.5.2005 ... 11.8.2005 -  1.) Public letter to President Köhler in Germany: Continuity in the lead off energy change has top priority... Trustworthy peace policies request renunciation of nuclear energy... Unbiased and complete information about nuclear energy...  2.) Public letter to the Swiss government and department of energy (BfE)...  3.) Outcome and realizations of the conference on the non-proliferation treaty in New York (NPT, 27.5.2005)...  4.) Causal solution to the nuclear conflict in Iran - or war for oil? (11.8.2005)... Read these letters and press release... (German)


Mayors  for  Peace

The mayor of Hiroshima, Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, founded this initiative for the total nuclear weapons abolition.

5.3.2005 -  The objective: The abolition of all nuclear weapons! ... The initiative "Mayors for Peace" (the official website in English)... The responsibility of all mayors... Read this summary (German)...


War for Oil ?  ...  P l e a s e - Vote for Peace !

"An Energy Independent America", based on peaceful, save and secure renewable energies, provides opportunities to the economy and to the ecology. It could lead the world to peace!

2.10.2004 -  Public letter to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, United Nations... The current necessity for Oil published by the Center for Defense Information (USA)... The ultimate objective in Iraq... "An Energy Independent America" based on peaceful renewable energies: Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass/gas, Geothermal... >>> Create Your own letter... Read this letter (English)...


Are there consequences of "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Switzerland?

Switzerland needs to replace 80% of its energy supply (Oil, Gas, Uranium) to peaceful and clean, renewable energies. The potential for solar power: 30% of the Swiss electricity.

30.8.2004 -  Public letter to the Swiss government and parliament... John Kerry plans "An Energy Independent America"... The Potential for Solar Energy in Switzerland... The electro car "TH!NK" shows the necessity for obligatory energy policies... Read this letter (German)...


Showcase:  Kilchberg (ZH) votes for nuclear exit?

Is this example suitable for a showcase function for political responsibility and living democracy in city councils?

25.11.2003 -  Resolution for a showcase function to enter a future energy supply... The complete presentation with speech and justification... The counter resolution of the city council had been adopted... Living democracy in Kilchberg... Annex SBB building plans in Bendlikon... Read (German)...


* Opportunities for our Future - The significance of national renewable energies

This SolarPeace main study outlines the current transition stage between the old and limited energies (Oil, Gas, Uranium) and the unlimited renewable energies (Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal).

14.11.2003 -  Politics for peace... Economic growth and new jobs... Security... Independence and Neutrality... Ecology and the base of life... The energy gap and prognoses (Oil, Gas, Uranium)...  Energy mix for the future (Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal)... Conclusions... With many quotes and linked sources...
Last change: 23.5.2004 Read this study (German)...


Medical Memorandum to the Industrial Utilization of Nuclear Energy

- Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker (Arzt)
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert (Atomphysiker)
- Prof. Dr. C. F. von Weizsäcker (Atomphysiker)

3.5.2003 - "What do you prefer: Energy efficiency and utilization of solar energy, and in return less cancer and less hereditary disease, or nuclear power?"... 99,9 % of the fuel remains as high radioaktive nuclear waste... Annex: "The play down of nuclear low level radiation", "ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk" and "What to do in case of alarm?"...
Read these studies (German and English)...


* The energy for Peace, Security, Economy and Future

This SolarPeace study provides an overview to peace, economy and energy supply with many quotes and linked sources of independent institutes and government agencies.

16.4.2003 - A real peace policy needs to end the cause for wars for recourses, which is the necessity for the old energies... The renewable energies Solar, Water, Wind, Biomass/gas, Geothermal, etc. are unlimited, clean, save, peaceful and enable a common future... Renewable energies protect our base of life and  secure our economy. In addition they create many new local, regional and long lasting jobs... With many quotes and linked sources and studies...  Read this study (German)...


And slowly the sun rises ...

At the petrol stations of a large oil cooperation the sun shines already since a while.

9.10.2002 - Readers letter to the newspaper 'Gemeindeblatt Kilchberg': And slowly the sun rises... Large cooperation's advocate for climate protection, oil companies become solar companies (Dr. Franz Alt)... Read (German)...


9/11:  Mourn the Victims - Stand for Peace - Islam is Not the Enemy - War is Not the Answer

International peace call after the attacks from September 11, 2001

18.9.2001 - 22.1.2017 - L.A.Times: "... several thousand people gathered for an antiwar vigil at a makeshift memorial at Union Square in Manhattan on Friday night. Organizers distributed fliers with a pacifist message: Mourn the Victims. Stand for Peace. Islam is Not the Enemy. War is Not the Answer."... «As we act, let us not become the evil that we deplore.»... Read (English)...



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This website was developed with 100% Natural Power (renewable energies).