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Natural Power,
also called Eco Power,
Green Power or Clean Power, is electricity produced by
renewable energies
(Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal). The term Natural
Power is derived from the German term
Please order a Natural Power product from your electricity supplier, which
contains a proportion of solar power, or change your electricity supplier
Nuclear more expensive than Natural Power - Change the supplier,
In Switzerland the electricity demand cannot be supplied with water power
alone and the largest build-up potential is in solar energy.
With your order of Natural Power your electricity supplier must feed the
quality of electricity ordered (e.g. proportion of solar energy) in the
quantity used by yourself into the public grid. Tüv-guaranteed! In
Switzerland «naturemade» is the quality mark
for ecologically produced energy (naturemade star) and energy from renewable
sources (naturemade basic). The mark is awarded after thorough inspection by
Association for environmentally sound energy (VUE). Below are some links
(ADEV and Elektrizitätswerke) for certified Natural Power products in
This simple decision triggers directly the
necessary investments and extends thereby today's Natural Power offers and
supply. The list below shows examples of Natural Power suppliers in some countries.
change to Natural Power is a
simple, economic and effective decision. The
change to Natural Power is the only solution to the highly risky
«Climate Change
by Radioactivity»
and an important basis for a future-qualified,
peaceful world.
"Hans Dietrich Genscher,
former German Secretary Of State, reminded after the election of President
Barack Obama
multiple times and with emphasis to
the global top priority: The abolition of all nuclear weapons!
Despite the financial crisis and «Climate Change by CO2» we
should not forget this. And we must also not forget, that this – The
abolition of all nuclear weapons – finally is only realistic if all
nuclear power plants are dismantled, which in turn is only possible by
changing to Natural Power (electricity generated by
renewable energies). The nuclear conflict in Iran shows these undividable
context but is not the only example for it."
(Extract from a
SolarPeace letter to the Swiss government, 1.12.2008). Please see also
Power – Lifestyle and Necessity» (SolarPeace.org, 2.5.2008)
«All households
using natural power provide a significant contribution
to build up a future-qualified energy supply and by this means support
peace, economy, security, neutrality and ecology.»
«The old fossil-nuclear energies (oil, gas,
uranium) are limited,
are far too risky and due to their side effects and follow up costs far too
expensive.» |
Switzerland: |
15% aller
Schweizer Haushalte beziehen Naturstrom. Der Verkauf hat 2007 um 63 %
Agentur für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz, 14.8.2008
Naturemade / VUE
(alle Naturstromanbieter und
Naturstromprodukte via PLZ finden:
CH-4410 Liestal, 061 921 94
50, info@adev.ch |
Verein Solarspar,
CH-4450 Sissach, 061 205 19 19,
info@solarspar.ch |
Elektrizitätswerke des Kantons Zürich: EKZ Naturstrom Star,
CH-8002 Zürich, 0800 444 999 |
Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich: EWZ.Ökopower,
CH-8050 Zürich, 058 319 47 01 |
Energie Wasser Bern: EWB.Natur.Kraft Wasser/Mix/Solar,
CH-3001 Bern, 031 321 31 11 |
>>> Die eigene
Energiewende umsetzen. Jetzt zu Ökostrom wechseln!,
Elektrizitätswerke Schönau Vertriebs GmbH,
DE-79677 Schönau, (07673) 888 50,
info@ews-schoenau.de |
Greenpeace energy
eG, DE-20357 Hamburg, (040) 808
info@greenpeace-energy.de |
LichtBlick GmbH,
DE-22765 Hamburg, (0180) 2 660 660,
info@lichtblick.de |
Naturstrom AG,
DE-40227 Düsseldorf, (0211) 779 00-444,
info@naturstrom.de |
AAE Naturstrom Vertrieb
GmbH (Alpen Adria Energie),
AT-9640 Kötschach, (04715) 222, info@aae.at |
oekostrom AG,
AT-1070 Wien, (01) 961 05 61-0 ,
office@oekostrom.at |
Österreich (alle Anbieter)
Beachten Sie die
Stromkennzeichnung. Anbieter, die 100% Naturstrom/Ökostrom liefern, werden
mit einen vollständig grünen Balken dargestellt. Der Tarifkalkulator ist ein
Service des Energiemarktregulators
E-Control GmbH. |
Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 3AP, (01453) 756
111, info@ecotricity.co.uk |
New Zealand:
Meridian Energy
Limited, NZ Christchurch, (03)
353 9500, Toll free 0800 496 496 |
TrustPower Limited,
NZ Tauranga 3143, (07) 574 4754, Toll free 0800 87 87 87 |
households using natural power provide a significant contribution
to build up a future-qualified energy supply and by this means support
peace, economy, security, neutrality and ecology.«
You! |

Natural Power - Yes Please ! |