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Energy  Transition










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Nuclear exit

Natural Power-Smiley







Solar houses & cars (German)





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Impressum (German)





Bass-Culture: Feeling the sound can be dangerous to your health  (14.1.2025)


Reflections on Corona and Easter – Taking Care of Paradise ...  (12.4.2020 - 18.11.2023)


Collective help for orphanage «Pwojè men kontre» in Haiti  (24.11.2016)


Nuclear energy referendum in Switzerland - Nuclear energy policy in Japan  (7.11.2016 - 27.4.2019)


Solar Impulse reaches Hawaii and flies all around the world - The Future is Clean  (3.7.2015 - 26.7.2016)


UN-Resolution «Climate Change by Radioactivity»  (7.8.2009 - 27.3.2019)

incl. Survey shows: Swiss nuclear power plants don't know what they are doing! (1.9.20011)


Obama and Nobel Prize Laureates seek Nuclear-Ban  (20.1.2009)


Kilchberg city council informed of radioactivity and the solution natural power (green electricity)  (25.11.2008, German)


* Natural Power – Lifestyle and Necessity  (2.5.2008)


Sunrise in Australia  (25.11.2007)


Switzerland elects new parliament and natural power  (7.9.2007)


Swiss government seeks more activity - more radioactivity!  (1.3.2007)


Kilchberg (ZH) promotes natural power (clean electricity)  (17.1.2006, German)


Showcase:  "U.S. Mission Solar Energy Project"  (7.9.2005, German)


Trustworthy peace policies request renunciation of nuclear energy !  (24.5.2005 ... 11.8.2005, German)


Mayors  for  Peace  (5.3.2005, German)


War for Oil ?  ...  P l e a s e - Vote for Peace !  (2.10.2004, English)


Are there consequences of "Fahrenheit 9/11" for Switzerland?  (30.8.2004, German)


Showcase:  Kilchberg (ZH) votes for nuclear exit? (25.11.2003, German)


* Opportunities for our Future - The significance of national renewable energies  (14.11.2003, German)


Medical Memorandum to the Industrial Utilization of Nuclear Energy  (3.5.2003, German and English)


* The energy for Peace, Security, Economy and Future  (16.4.2003, German)


And slowly the sun rises ... (9.10.2002, German)


9/11:  Mourn the Victims - Stand for Peace - Islam is Not the Enemy - War is Not the Answer  (18.9.2001 - 22.1.2017, English)



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This website was developed with 100% Natural Power (renewable energies).