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Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets

For risks and side effects ask your physician or read...

Attention:  The translations on this page had not been completed and verified. Please refer to the German original.

Package insert for nuclear power ...

Wolfgang Rehfus


German original

 ●  Radioactivity in a nuclear power plant

 ●  No protection by iodine tablets

 ●  Risks and side effects of nuclear power plants

 ●  Safe protection by renewable energies

 ●  Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy (summary)

 ●  Appendix: Open letter at government (Bundesrat) and parliament (energy regulation EnV: Package insert for nuclear power)

 ●  PS ...




»The quantity of radioactivity, which is present in a reactor, is larger than the quantity of radioactivity spread by a nuclear bomb - significantly larger.«

(Prof. Dr. C. F. von Weizsäcker, nuclear physicist) 1)

»A reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion.«

(Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin, nuclear physicist) 2)

This amount of radioactivity is equivalent with 1460 nuclear bombs the size of Hiroshima (12.5 kt) for each nuclear reactor in each year! 3)

1) see "Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie", Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

2) see
Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin (nuclear physicist), «Can the World Do Without Nuclear Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (see copy page 5 )

3) see Hiroshima Atombombe à 12.5 kt (Copy
), International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize)

see also Glaubhafte Friedenspolitik erfordert Verzicht auf Atomenergie!, Offener Brief an Bundespräsident Köhler in Deutschland,, 24.5.2005

Iodine tablets



Iodine tablets do not protect against a country-wide radioactive contamination.

Die neue Packung ist in Vorbereitung



Die neue Packung ist in Vorbereitung




No protection by iodine tablets

In Switzerland iodine tablets (potassium iodide tablets) are distributed to the population in the periphery of 20 kilometers around the 5 Swiss nuclear power plants. These iodine tablets are to protect the population in the case of a radioactive accident in a nuclear power plant against thyroid cancer, not however against other radiation damages. 4)

But the radioactivity from nuclear power plants does not stop at these 20-kilometer-borders. What is with the remaining population? Also the iodine tablets offer expressly no protection against radioactive radiation, which affects the body from outside. Therefore Iodine tablets certainly cannot protect against a country-wide radioactive contamination!

The Swissmedic writes under 'correct behavior in an emergency' that the remaining population is usually not concerned, and as 'background information': "Potassium iodide tablets prevent that radioactive iodine, which is taken up over the respiratory system, enriches itself in the thyroid. The potassium iodide tablets offer however no general protection against radiation, which affects the body from outside. Therefore in the event of an endangerment by radioactivity the house inside and/or a cellar or a shelter must be visited. The protection of the thyroid with potassium iodides is considered as a safe and harmless measure." 5)

"No general protection against radiation" is thus according to Swissmedic
a safe measure. And in the shelter prescribed in addition to the iodine tablets there (hopefully) is anyway no radioactive iodine, which could be taken up over the respiratory system, otherwise it would be no shelter?

The potassium iodide tablets are thus more than a rough mischief and a playing down of the actual dangers by nuclear power plants!

On the risks and side effects of iodine for the human organism mostly one does not report. Artificially supplied iodine in the nutrition increases the Nitrosaminbildung for example by at least the 6-fold, and increases thereby in principle the risk for cancer. Iodine is enriched not only in the thyroid, but also in other organs, e.g. in salivary glands, stomach, Laktierenden chest glands, Placenta, plexus chorioideus, skin. 6)

4) vgl. Pressemitteilung, Swissmedic, 29.10.2004

vgl. das Kapitel 'Jod, Strontium, Krypton und Plutonium' in:
Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie, Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

5) vgl.,  ATAG Wirtschaftsorganisationen AG (im Auftrag der Swissmedic, Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut)

vgl. auch "AKW-Lobby befürchtet Imageschaden", "Die Direktion des Atomkraftwerkes Gösgen lässt verlauten, sogar eine Vorverteilung im kleinen Kreise sei wissenschaftlich unnötig und imageschädigend! Sie bittet darum, mit dem Neuverteilen der Tabletten sei zuzuwarten bis nach den energiepolitischen Abstimmungen. Der Bundesrat hat dieser Bitte entsprochen.", zitiert aus: "Kaliumiodid: (k)ein Thema vor der Strom ohne Atom-Abstimmung?", Greenpeace, 9.2.2003;
vgl. hierzu Die Natur gewinnt immer!,, 18.8.2003

6) vgl. und die dort angegebenen Links, z.B.: Krebskrank durch Jod?, Dagmar Braunschweig-Pauli, BALANCE® 4/2000 und Der Jod-Krimi, Dr. med. M.O. Bruker und Ilse Gutjahr, BALANCE® 1/2000

vgl. "Ab einem Alter von 45 ist nach Angaben der Experten die Gefahr einer Schilddrüsenüberfunktion größer als das Risiko von Schilddrüsenkrebs, so dass dieser Personenkreis keine Jodtabletten benötige.", Jodsättigung der Schilddrüsen für den Super-GAU
aus: 'Krankmacher Jod - Die Chronik eines Jahrhundertskandals', Dagmar Braunschweig-Pauli, 2002, ISBN 3-927124-40-0

vgl. Krank durch Jod auch in der Schweiz!, Selbsthilfegruppe
Jod Krank Schweiz

Nuclear power



Nuclear energy is for reasons of economy, security, neutrality, ecology and health no option of the future power supply.

Further information:

"Atomenergie - Kalkulierte Menschenopfer"
in Grün gewinnt - Die letzte Ölkrise und danach, Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner

Risks and side effects of nuclear power plants

Perhaps it is good on the occasion of these ordered iodine tablets, if we recall into our minds the complete problem of nuclear power plants:

  1. Billions at subsidies and state privileges are the causes that nuclear energy is sold very favourably, in reality however it is by far the most expensive form of energy and damages our national economy. 7)

    Nuclear power costs 3 CHF/kWh or 2 Euro/kWh (without subsidies and state privileges). Today solar electricity costs approx. 1 CHF/kWh (without subsidies) and is thereby 66 % more favourably than nuclear power. 8)

  2. A GAU (largest accident which can be foreseen) leads to a country-wide radioactive contamination. Artificially calculated probabilities are perfectly irrelevant with such risks! The Federal Office for civil defense and the Federal Office for energy (BfE) calculate for a core melt-through accident damage costs from 4'200 to 4'300 billion CHF. 9)

  3. The appraisal of the German society for reactor safety (GRS) to the terror dangers for nuclear power plants resulted in that "the purposeful crash of an airplane can lead for each German nuclear power plant to a Super-GAU." This applies to all nuclear power plants and surely not only to "purposeful" airplane crashes. 10)

  4. Nuclear power plants make neutrality impossible, as uranium, the raw material for nuclear energy, is 100% imported and it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between "peaceful" and military usages of nuclear energy. The countries, which strive for nuclear weapons, try this over the bridge of nuclear energy. With the further spreading of nuclear energy the danger of spreading nuclear weapons and the propagation of nuclear terrorism grows. 11)

  5. Today the nuclear energy has a portion of the primary energy consumption of the world from far under ten per cent. If we would aim at a world-wide portion of forty per cent of primary energy from nuclear power stations, the uranium supplies would be exhausted within 10 years. Contrary to the fossil energy raw materials a gap between mining quantities and consumption already exists with uranium for several years. With recent numbers from the International Energy Agency in Paris (IEA) with 40% primary energy from nuclear power plants the uranium supplies became even just enough for only 5 years. 12)

  6. The radioactive nuclear waste radiates for many 1'000 years, cannot not be eliminated, is high-grade carcinogenic and poisonous. Nuclear waste is an unsolvable problem and last but not least also an economical and an irresponsible mortgage to coming generations. Since only 0.1 % of the fuel material in the reactor is converted into energy, thus 99.9 % remain as radioactive nuclear waste, nuclear reactors produce inconceivable quantities of nuclear waste each day. 13)

    "Radioactive waste is the most dangerous waste product of the industrial society, and the most long-living inheritance of our civilization. In each phase of the nuclear cycle radioactive waste is produced - with the exploitation of uranium, with the enterprise of nuclear power plants and during the reprocessing. The Swiss nuclear power plant in Leibstadt alone produces 300'000 tons radiating ore each year. During the reprocessing the high-dangerous plutonium is separated and further nuclear waste is created." 14)

  7. The medical effects of the nuclear power plants are nearly unknown in the public. That shows also an example in Germany, in which scientists of the federal state government accuse "masking". The majority of the professional commission in Schleswig Holstein to find the cause of the leukaemia illnesses explained its resignation. Children continue to get sick remarkably frequently with leukaemia around the nuclear power plants in Geesthacht. 15)

    Dr. med. Max-Otto Bruker together with the nuclear physicists  Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert and Prof. Dr. C. F. von Weizsäcker had provided the "Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy". The summary version published below is completely quoted from it. 18)

    Also the report ECRR 2003 of the 'European Committee on Radiation Risk' states firmly that "It is not possible accurately to determine ‘radiation dose to populations’." and comes to the conclusion: "
    Nuclear power is a costly way of producing energy when human health deficits are included in the overall assessment.16)

7) "BfE: Atomenergie schadet der Schweizer Volkswirtschaft",, 29.4.2003

vgl. 115 Mrd. Subventionen und Staatsprivilegien
, Solar Agentur Schweiz, 2003

8) "Die AKW Begeisterung steckt tief im Kühlturm" , 3.3.2000, CASH; und die dort zitierte Studie "Privatisierung der KKW-Haftung in der BRD", Gutachten der Regierung Kohl (CDU/CSU/FDP), Sept. 1992

vgl. CDAK-Grundsatzpapier, CHRISTLICHE DEMOKRATEN GEGEN ATOMKRAFT (CDAK), BUNDESVERBAND CDU/CSU - Mitglieder für die Überwindung der Kernenergie, 17.05.2005

vgl. "Atomstrom würde 5 CHF/kWh kosten ...", Greenpeace, 24.5.2005

9) vgl. Inefffizienz, Marktverzerrung und 4'300 Milliarden Franken Risikokosten durch Atomenergie.
in der Studie "Verbesserte Deckung des Nuklearrisikos - zu welchen Bedingungen?", Bundesamt für Energie (Dezember 2000)

vgl. Ein neues Atomkraftwerk für die Schweiz?, "... Bei zwei Euroreaktoren à 1600 MW ist das im Jahr die Radioaktivität von 3200 Hiroshima Bomben.", Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) e.V., 21.2.2007

see »A reactor in one day produces as much radioactivity as a 50-kt nuclear explosion.«, Prof. Dr. Richard L. Garwin (Atomphysiker), «Can the World Do Without Nuclear Power? Can the World Live With Nuclear Power?», Nuclear Control Institute, 9.4.2001 (see copy page 5

Note: this corresponds to annually 1460 Hiroshima Atombomben à 12.5 kt (Copy
), International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW, 1985 Nobel Peace Prize)

vgl. "Super-GAU-Risiko in Europa: 16 Prozent", Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW), 2005, vgl. Poster im "Nuclear Power Fact File""Nuclear Power Fact File"

vgl. „Das zentrale Sicherheitssystem hat nicht funktioniert“, Schwere Panne in bulgarischem Kernkraftwerk und "Das Risiko für Reaktorkatastrophen ist weit höher, als die Betreiber behaupten", In letzter Minute, Der Tagesspiegel, 23.04.2006; vgl. auch: Kein Tschernobyl in Bulgarien!

10) vgl. Kapitel "Sicherheit" der Studie "Chancen für unsere Zukunft",, 14.11.2003

vgl. Sicherheit von Atomkraftwerken bei Erdbeben, Schweizerischer Nationalrat, 02.10.2006

11) vgl. Kapitel "Neutralität" der Studie "Chancen für unsere Zukunft",, 14.11.2003

vgl. "Erneuerbare Energien statt Atomenergie"
, Gemeinnützige Europäische Vereinigung für erneuerbare Energien e.V. EuroSolar, 2004

12) Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH, Rubrik 'Uran: Kernenergie und Kernfusion'.

vgl. "Die Prognosen des Weltenergierats sind eindeutig: Das Uran reicht 60 Jahre", Dr. Franz Alt, 2001

vgl. "Nur 3,3% der weltweit verbrauchten Energie stammen aus den 440 Atomkraftwerken", Internationale Energieagentur in Paris, IEA, 01.07.2005; vgl. auch Die Träume der Atomlobby, Dr. Franz Alt, 2004

vgl. auch "Versorgungslücke und Prognosen (Erdöl, Erdgas, Uran)" in der Studie "Chancen für unsere Zukunft",, 14.11.2003

13) vgl. die Kapitel 'Die Halbwertszeit' und 'Der Atommüll' in:
Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie, Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker u.a.

vgl. "Yucca Mountain, USA", CBS NEWS, 25.7.2004

vgl. Problem Atommüll weltweit ungelöst, Internationales Endlager Symposium, Greenpeace 10.11.2002

14) vgl. Hunderttausend Jahre lang, Greenpeace, 27.11.2000

15) vgl. Leukämie bei AKW: Wissenschaftler werfen Landesregierung „Verschleierung“ vor., Prof. Dr. Otmar Wassermann u.a., 15.9.2004; "Abschlussbericht der Fachkomission zur Leukämie-Häufung bei Kindern" im Artikel "Sind Waffentests Ursache für Leukämie bei Kindern in der Elbmarsch?", Zeit-Fragen Nr.43, 8.11.2004

vgl. Gutachten: Folgen Tschernobyls unterschätzt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 6.4.2006; vgl. auch Tschernobyl, der Krebs und die widersprüchlichen Todeszahlen, 8.4.2006

vgl. "US-Regierung fürchtet Schadenersatzforderungen (Radiojod und Schilddrüsenkrebs)" im Artikel: "Klärung von Gesundheitsfolgen des Tschernobyl-Unfalls stösst auf Widerstand", Zeit-Fragen Nr.8, 1.3.2004

vgl. ".. stieg die Krebsrate um 20 Prozent", Journal of Epidemology and Community Health, 26.11.2004

vgl. "Wie hoch ist Krebsbelastung durch Atomkraftwerke (AKW) im Normalbetrieb?", Kinderkrebsregister der Universität Mainz u.a., 19.01.2003

vgl. Atomenergie und Gesundheit, Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW), vgl. auch "Gesundheitliche Folgen von Tschernobyl - 20 Jahre nach der Reaktorkatastrophe", Studie von IPPNW und Gesellschaft für Strahlenschutz

vgl. auch  "Die Verharmlosung der atomaren Niedrigstrahlung" (Dr. Rosalie Bertell, USA)

vgl. Atomreaktoren schädigen Volksgesundheit, Bericht zur Studie von Prof. Dr. Sternglass, Universität Pittsburgh USA, 20.7.2006

vgl. Strahlung und die Wirkung auf Menschen, ICRP (International Commission on Radiological Protection) und Bundesumweltministerium, 20.6.2007

16) ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, Brussels 2003; vgl. die Kernaussagen aus diesem Bericht weiter unten bei Quellenangabe 16.




Opportunities for our Future

The significance of national renewable energies



Safe protection by renewable energies

All these risks and side effects of nuclear power plants (apart from the radioactive waste already existing) can be easily avoided, if the use of nuclear energy is terminated as fast as possible. 

There are sufficient alternative potentials by safe renewable energies (sun, water, wind, biomass/gas, geothermal) including the necessary technologies and financial means. 17)

The significance of national renewable energies in the full context of peace, economics, security, neutrality and ecology is published with complete source data on  

17) vgl. "Ersatz-Potential für 15 Atomkraftwerke" , 'Energie&Umwelt', 1/03

Potenziale der rationellen Elektrizitätsverwendung und der Elektrizitätserzeugung aus erneuerbaren Energien , Bundesamt für Energie (BfE), 30.1.2003

vgl. Vorhandene Technologien, mögliche Finanzmittel, zielgerichtete Massnahmen im Beitrag "sun21: Bundesrätin Calmy-Rey spricht zu
Frieden durch saubere Energie - statt Krieg um Öl
",, 5.5.2004

vgl. "Ein Drittel des Atomausstiegs ist bereits geschafft", 29.4.2005
Obrigheim - Magazin zum Abschalten

"Atomkraft: Auslaufmodell der Energieverschwendung",  Bundesumweltministerium Deutschland anlässlich Tschernobyl-Jahrestag am 26.04.2005




The medical and ecological view does not permit any other judgement, than to describe the operation of nuclear power plants as irresponsibly.


Further information:

"Die Folgen von Tschernobyl - Ein Überblick", Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V. (IPPNW)

"Gesundheitliche Folgen von Tschernobyl - 20 Jahre nach der Reaktorkatastrophe", Studie von IPPNW und Gesellschaft für Strahlenschutz, 06.04.2006

"Verschlußsache Tschernobyl - Die geheimen Dokumente aus dem Kreml - Unsere Kinder sterben. Helft uns!", Alla Jaroshinskaja, 376 Seiten, 16 Fotos und 40 Dokumente, ISBN 3-86163-062-1, 21.4.2006

"Atomenergie - Kalkulierte Menschenopfer" in Grün gewinnt - Die letzte Ölkrise und danach, Dr. Rudolf Rechsteiner

Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy

Completely quoted summary version  18)

»For the evaluation of the health and life threat by the operation of nuclear power plants only physicians, biologists and ecologists are competent and nobody else. Since the nuclear bomb everyone knows that nuclear fission is afflicted with high risks for the health. Already during the normal operation an emission of firm and gaseous radionuclides into the environment can not be prevented despite adherence to strictest safety precautions (therefore tolerances).  

In alive organisms the effect of ionizing rays begins with the primary procedure of the energieabsorption within the atomic and molecular range. Secondary reactions follow, which are in the beginning of simple chemical nature, soon however reach into the range of complicated metabolic reactions. Primary event and following radiochemical secondary sequences lead to two types of radiation damage: The change of cell structures and changes of the cellular metabolism.

"What do you prefer: To save energy and use solar power, resulting in fewer cancer patients as well as genetic disorders, or to use nuclear power?"

(Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert, nuclear physicist)

The radiation dose form nuclear power plants is compared by the proponents of nuclear power plants again and again with the natural base radiation, in order to pay down the dangers. This comparison is from the scientific point of view untenable and misleading, because with the cosmic radiation it predominantly concerns radiation, with which no radioactive substances are incorporated. With the natural base radiation also radioactive substances, e.g. C 14, are involved; the substantial difference in relation to the emissions from nuclear reactors consists however of the fact that it concerns with the latter radioactive substances, which are completely new. Their general effect, which exists in the production of somatic and genetic damages, is well-known, however the specific effects of the numerous isotopes will not be sufficiently investigated for a long time. Particularly for the long-term and late effects still no experiences can be present, since the contamination with the substances from the artificial nuclear fission takes place only since relatively short time.

During the irradiation of a human with the maximally permitted dose it would to be expected that one human out of ten would get a cancer of the lungs. There are up to now no safe data, from which a smallest dose of plutonium 239 arises, below which no generation of cancer is possible. 

"There is no proof for the fact that there is a safe
tolerance limit for the radiation.

(Radiation laboratory in Livermore / California)

The damaging effect of even smallest doses is summed up during long periods.

In the medicine one uses irradiation in individual cases purposefully. Nuclear industry causes completely unaimed effects, before which no organism on earth is safe. Only 0.1 % of the fuel material in the reactor is converted into energy, 99.9 % remain as high-radioactive nuclear waste. There is no possibility of destroying radioactivity.

"We do not want to perish in a nuclear disaster, we do not want that our descendants curse us, because we did not offer resistance to the nuclear insanity!"

 (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Karl Bechert, nuclear physicist)

In summary it must be stated that above all increasing hereditary defects is to be expected as consequence of the radioactive contamination. The medical and ecological view does not permit any other judgement, than to describe the operation of nuclear power plants considering today's conditions of science and technology as irresponsibly. The largest accident (GAU), which can be accepted, which will allegedly never occur, became reality in the nuclear reactor of Tschernobyl. The disaster proved the dangers.«

Dr. med. M. 0. Bruker

18) vgl. Ärztliches Memorandum zur industriellen Nutzung der Atomenergie, Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker, emu-Verlag, 5. Auflage (ISBN 3-89189-015-X, Copyright emu Verlags- und Vertriebs-GmbH).

vgl. auch  "Die Verharmlosung der atomaren Niedrigstrahlung" (Dr. Rosalie Bertell, USA)

see also Radiation and Health , Dr. Bill Williams,, Nov 2006

vgl. auch  "Was tun bei Gift-Alarm? - Im Notfall fliehen?", Konradin Kreuzer (dipl. Ing. Chem. ETH)

vgl. auch ECRR 2003 - Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk, 'The Health Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for Radiation Protection Purposes', Brussels 2003, ISBN 1-897761-24-4;
Hier einige Kernaussagen:

"... UN Declaration of Human Rights should be applied to the
question of avoidable radiation exposures ...."

"... the smallest <radioactive> dose has a finite, if small, probability of fatal harm."

"It is not possible accurately to determine ‘radiation dose to
... "

"... each exposure should be addressed in terms of its effects at the cell or molecular level."

"... recommends caution in attempting to gauge the effects of novel exposures by comparison with exposures to natural radiation."

"Comparisons between external and internal radiation exposures may also result in underestimates of risk since the effects at the cell level may be quantitatively very different."

"... physical models of radiation action cannot take precedence over epidemiological studies of exposed populations."

"... very little is known about the mechanisms leading from cell impact to clinical disease."

"... health effects relative to the radiation dose are proportionately higher at low doses ..."

"... unequivocal evidence of harm from internal irradiation at low dose."

"... the present cancer epidemic is a consequence ... and that more recent releases of radioisotopes to the environment from the operation of the nuclear fuel cycle will result in significant increases in cancer and other types of ill health."

"... the total number of deaths resulting from the nuclear project since 1945. ... 61,600,000 deaths from cancer, 1,600,000 infant deaths and 1,900,000 foetal deaths. ... 10% loss of life quality integrated over all diseases..."

"... nuclear power is a costly way of producing energy when human health deficits are included in the overall assessment."




The government (Bundesrat) is committed to the long-term well-being of the entire population and the entire national economy. 20)

Appendix: Open letter at government (Bundesrat) and parliament 19)
(package insert for nuclear power - revised energy regulation EnV)

Kilchberg, 26. November 2004

Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets
For risks and side effects ask your physician or read...

Very honoured Bundeskanzlerin,
Very honoured Bundesrätin,
Very honoured Upper and Lower House of Parliament

Each also still so harmless medicine has a package insert to risk and side effects, and each advertisement must refer to it. Each patient can individually decide, whether he takes the medicine and if side effects occur, then only this patient is concerned.

With nuclear power plants and nuclear power there is no package insert to risks and side effects and the population is still not completely informed about risks and side effects. The risks and side effects concern the entire population every day, including the owner of a solar house, who does not consume nuclear power. Since the risks and side effects of nuclear power plants contain the radioactive contamination of the entire country, artificially calculated probabilities are perfectly irrelevant! Therefore no insurance is ready to take this risk. But the population is forced to carry this risk each day.

"Nuclear industry causes completely unaimed effects, before which no organism on earth is safe"

(Dr. med. Max Otto Bruker)

Together with this letter you receive the package insert for risks and side effects of nuclear power plants and nuclear power. I would like to suggest that this package insert is attached to all supplies of nuclear power in the future and that each advertisement for nuclear power refers to it. Thus the primary goal of the power marking in the revised energy regulation (EnV) becomes - "the protection and the transparent information of consumers" - consistently is put in place. 21)

This open letter at government (Bundesrat) and parliament of Switzerland is published on as appendix to the current contribution "Nuclear power plants and iodine tablets" together with further information, the complete "Medical memorandum for the industrial use of nuclear energy" and all source data. For your valued answer I thank you very cordially in advance.

I wish you a Merry Christmas time and the strength in the coming year to take the necessary energy-political decisions. 22)

Yours sincerely

Wolfgang Rehfus

19) Der Originalbrief an Bundesrat und Parlament der Schweiz ... ,, 26.11.2004 und die Beilagen:
Package insert for nuclear power ...
SolarPeace Flyer 

20) vgl.
Offener Brief an den Schweizerischen Bundesrat zur Verkehrs- und Energiepolitik!,, 28.1.2004

vgl. "sun21: Pegasus erhebt sich aus dem Wasserschloss", Offener Brief an Bundesrat und Parlament der Schweiz,, 28.6.2004

vgl. "Hat "Fahrenheit 9/11" Konsequenzen für die Schweiz?", Offener Brief an Bundesrat und Parlament der Schweiz,, 30.8.2004

21) Revidierte Energieverordnung (EnV): "Die primären Ziele der Stromkennzeichnung sind der Schutz und die transparente Information der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten.", "Herkunft des Stroms wird künftig deklariert", UVEK Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie, Kommunikation, Bundesamt für Energie, 10.11.2004

22) vgl. Vorhandene Technologien, mögliche Finanzmittel, zielgerichtete Massnahmen im Beitrag "sun21: Bundesrätin Calmy-Rey spricht zu
Frieden durch saubere Energie - statt Krieg um Öl
",, 5.5.2004

PS ...



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Cordial thanks

Print version:
Package insert for nuclear power ... , for passing on ...

see also Atomkraftwerke und Jod-Tabletten on, 30.11.2004

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UN-Resolution  «Climate Change by Radioactivity»


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